Beschreibung Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective. Now in its fourth edition, this respected and widely used book provides an essential introduction to financial accounting and reporting for business and management students around the world. Written very much from the `user' rather than the `preparer' accounting perspective, the book provides clear and comprehensive guidance on all the complex concepts and issues in accounting and reporting, together with explanation of the more technical aspects of accounting transactions. The book has a strong international perspective (being based on IFRS/IAS) and uses lots of real-life worldwide company financial statements and examples, to enable students to see how issues appear in practice.
Stolowy, H: Financial Accounting and Reporting - Stolowy ~ Stolowy, H: Financial Accounting and Reporting / Stolowy, Herve, Ding, Yuan / ISBN: 9781473740204 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective ~ Financial accounting and reporting courses today need to recognize both the diversity of national traditions and the trend towards accounting harmonization. Additionally, the profile of students taking reporting courses on With the increasing use of IFRS (international financial reporting standards) the use of local accounting standards is tending to desuetude in teaching.
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