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    Mullis, D: Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand

    Beschreibung Mullis, D: Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand. The Clearest Explanation Ever of the Key Accounting BasicsThe world of accounting can be intimidating. Whether you're a manager, business owner, aspiring entrepreneur, or taking a college course in accounting, you'll find yourself need to know the basics...but baffled by complicated accounting books. What if learning accounting could be as simple and fun as running a child's lemonade stand? It can.The Accounting Game presents financial information in a format so simple and so unlike a common accounting textbook, you may forget you're learning key skills that will help you get ahead! Using the world of a child's lemonade stand to teach the basics of managing your finances, this book makes a dry subject fun and understandable. As you run your stand, you'll begin to understand and apply financial terms and concepts like assets, liabilities, earnings, inventory and notes payable, plus: Interactive format gives you hands-on experienceColor-coded charts and worksheets help you remember key termsStep-by-step process takes you from novice to expert with easeFun story format speeds retention of essential conceptsDesigned to apply what you learn to the real worldThe revolutionary approach of The Accounting Game takes the difficult subjects of accounting and business finance and makes them something you can easily learn, understand, remember and use!"The game approach makes the subject matter most understandable. I highly recommend it to anyone frightened by either numbers or accountants." —John Hernandis, Director of Corporate Communications, American Greetings

    Buch Mullis, D: Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand PDF ePub

    Mullis, D: Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from ~ Mullis, D: Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand / Mullis, Darrell, Orloff, Judith Handler / ISBN: 9781402211867 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    The Accounting Game; Basic Accounting Fresh from the ~ The Accounting Game; Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand, 2008 Edition / Judith Orloff, Darrell Mullis / download / B–OK. Download books for free. Find books

    Accounting Game : Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade ~ Mullis, Darrell. The accounting game: Basic accounting fresh from the lemonade stand Darrell Mullis, Judith Orloff. p. cm. Produced by Educational Discoveries. 1. Accounting. I. Orloff, Judith Handler. II. Educational Discoveries (Firm) III. Title. HF5635.M953 1998 657—dc21 98-17214 Printed and bound in the United States of America. HS 10 9 8 .

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    Accounting Game Basic Fresh From The Lemonade Stand ~ Bookmark File PDF Accounting Game Basic Fresh From The Lemonade Stand Darrell Mullis Accounting Game Basic Fresh From The Accounting Game makes complex financial accounting as simple as running a lemonade stand! Dive into basic, simple accounting with: Accounting made understandable: Using the world of a child's lemonade stand to teach

    : The Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh ~ The Accounting Game makes complex financial accounting as simple as running a lemonade stand! Dive into basic, simple accounting with: Dive into basic, simple accounting with: Accounting made understandable: Using the world of a child's lemonade stand to teach the basics of managing your finances, The Accounting Game makes a dry subject enjoyable and understandable.

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