Beschreibung The Robert Collier Letter Book. First published in 1931, The Robert Collier Letter Book is by far the top book on writing sales letters. But it goes beyond that. As every great copywriter knows, these techniques are directly transferable to the Internet, whether through web copy or email or whatever. This book earned Robert Collier the distinction of being one of the greatest marketing minds in history. Robert Collier sales letters were successful because he wrote to his readers' needs. As an expert in marketing, his sales savvy and writing expertise placed hundreds of millions of dollars in his clients' pockets.
The Robert Collier Letter Book - E-Book - BookBeat ~ First published in 1931, The Robert Collier Letter Book is by far the top book on writing sales letters. But it goes beyond that. As every great copywriter knows, these techniques are directly transferable to the Internet, whether through web copy or em.
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The Robert Collier Letter Book: Collier, Robert ~ The Robert Collier Letter Book is essential reading for any aspiring copywriter or marketer. I was very excited to see it is back in print. Unfortunately, this edition has clearly been digitally scanned from an old version, and is littered with typos, random carriage returns and poor formatting. I would go as far as to say it is unreadable.
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