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    Advanced Accounting, Global Edition

    Beschreibung Advanced Accounting, Global Edition. For undergraduate and graduate courses in advanced accounting. Practical learning and real-world application in accounting Advanced Accounting is an in--depth guide to accounting that reflects the most up--to--date business developments. This comprehensive textbook addresses practical financial reporting problems while reflecting recent business developments and changes in accounting standards. The 13th Edition offers a better teaching and learning experience by providing real-world context. Students learn how to apply key accounting concepts through studying real--world examples, such as reports from popular companies, and up--to--date coverage of businesses. Accounting students and accounting practitioners alike will find this text useful in preparing or analyzing consolidated financial statements, accounting for derivative securities, and governmental and not-for-profit accounting and reporting.

    Buch Advanced Accounting, Global Edition PDF ePub

    Advanced Accounting, Global Edition - Pearson Studium ~ Buch 202 eBook (PDF) 311 eLearning . Haben Sie dieses Buch gelesen? Floyd A. Beams / Joseph H. Anthony / Bruce Bettinghaus / Kenneth Smith Advanced Accounting, Global Edition Edition 13. eBook; Buch; eBook (Online-Lesen, ADE-PDF) Was ist das? Best.Nr. 978-1-2922-1462-7 Umfang 820 Seiten Download 6,82 MB PDF-Nutzung: Lesen & Drucken (benötigt Adobe Digital Editions) Erschienen am 05.10.2017 .

    Advanced Accounting (13th Global Edition) eBook - Ebooks 1 ~ The PDF eBook Advanced Accounting 13th edition (Global) is an in-depth guide to accounting that reflects the most up-to-date business developments. This comprehensive etextbook teaches you practical financial reporting problems while reflecting recent business developments and changes in the accounting standards. The latest verison, 13th Edition (global) gives you better learning experience by .

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