Beschreibung Accounting and Finance: An Introduction 8th Edition. Were you looking for the book with access to MyAccountingLab? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to MyAccountingLab. Buy Accounting and Finance: An Introduction with MyAccountingLab access card 8e (ISBN 9781292088372) if you need access to MyAccountingLab as well, and save money on this resource. You will also need a course ID from your instructor to access MyAccountingLab. Accounting and Finance: An Introduction, now in its eighth edition, contains all the information you need to start your business career. With its use of practical techniques and real-world examples, this best-selling text teaches you the basics of understanding and using financial information. This comprehensive guide covers financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in a single text, and provides you with the tools to make informed, successful business decisions. Key Features Up-to-date coverage, including the latest IFRSs and corporate governance content plus a discussion of financing and dividend policies Accessible step-by-step approach helps you master the subject one step at a time New real world examples provide opportunities to apply and develop techniques Progress checks, activities and exercises reinforce learning Focus on decision-making prepares you for careers in business Eddie McLaney is Visiting Fellow in Accounting and Finance at Plymouth University. Peter Atrill is a freelance academic and author working with leading institutions in the UK, Europe and SE Asia. He was previously Head of Accounting and law and Head of Business and Management at the Plymouth University Business School
McLaney & Atrill, McLaney&Atrill: AFAI_p8, 8th Edition ~ Accounting and Finance: An Introduction, now in its eighth edition, contains all the information you need to start your business career. With its use of practical techniques and real-world examples, this best-selling text teaches you the basics of understanding and using financial information. This comprehensive guide covers financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in a single text, and provides you with the tools to make informed, successful business decisions.
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McLaney&Atrill: AFAI_p8 (8th Edition): McLaney, Eddie ~ Accounting and Finance: An Introduction, now in its eighth edition, contains all the information you need to start your business career. With its use of practical techniques and real-world examples, this best-selling text teaches you the basics of understanding and using financial information. This comprehensive guide covers financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in a single text, and provides you with the tools to make informed, successful business decisions.
Accounting and Finance An Introduction, 8th Edition / Free ~ Accounting and Finance: An Introduction, now in its eighth edition, contains all the information you need to start your business career. With its use of practical techniques and real-world examples, this best-selling text teaches you the basics of understanding and using financial information. This comprehensive guide covers financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in a single text, and provides you with the tools to make informed, successful business decisions.
Accounting and Finance: An Introduction 8th edition ~ Accounting and Finance: An Introduction, now in its eighth edition, contains all the information you need to start your business career. With its use of practical techniques and real-world examples, this best-selling text teaches you the basics of understanding and using financial information. This comprehensive guide covers financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in a single text, and provides you with the tools to make informed, successful business decisions.
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