Beschreibung Wight, R: LSTA's Complete Credit Agreement Guide, Second Edi. The definitive guide for navigating todays credit agreementsTodays syndicated loan market and underlying credit agreements are far more complex than ever. Since the global financial crisis, the art of corporate loan syndications, loan trading, and investing in this asset class have changed dramatically. Lenders are more diverse, borrowers more demanding, and regulations more stringent. Consequently, the credit agreement has evolved, incorporating many new provisions and a host of revisions to existing ones. The LSTAs Complete Credit Agreement Guide brings you up to speed on todays credit agreements and helps you navigate these complex instruments. This comprehensive guide has been fully updated to address seven years of major changewhich has all but transformed the loan market as we knew it. It provides everything you need to address these new developments, including what to look for in large sponsor-driven deals, the rise of covenant lite agreements for corporate borrowers seeking fewer covenant restrictions, Yankee Loans, other products resulting from globalization, and other product developments driven by the diversification of the investor class.Youll benefit from the authors in-depth coverage of all the nuances of today's credit agreements, as well as their tips on how to protect your loan, manage defaults, and navigate cross-border deals. This reliable guide covers:o Commitments, Loans, and Letters of Credito Interest and Feeso Amortization and Maturityo Conditions Precedento Representationso Covenantso Guarantees and Securityo Defaults and Enforcemento Interlender, Voting, and Agency issueso Defaulting Lenderso Assignments, Participations, and Disqualified Lender ListsBorrower Rights o Regulatory DevelopmentsStructuring and managing credit agreements has always been a difficult process but now its more complicated than ever. Whether you work for a company that borrows money in the syndicated loan market or for a bank, a hedge fund, pension fund, insurance company, or other financial institution, the LSTAs Complete Credit Agreement Guide puts you ahead of the curve of todays credit landscape.
Wight, R: LSTA's Complete Credit Agreement Guide, Second ~ Wight, R: LSTA's Complete Credit Agreement Guide, Second Edi / Wight, Richard, Bellucci, Michael J., McCluskey, Jerome, Cooke, Warren, Gray, Richard / ISBN .
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