Beschreibung Waiting in the Wings. The definitive guide to making a career in theaterto Broadway and beyond Tiffany Haas knows how to make it on Broadway. After 72 rejections in a row she finally landed a role in Broadways long-running smash hit Wicked and later became Glinda the Good. Now she wants to share her advice for starting and nurturing a career in the theater. Waiting in the Wings is the essential guide for anyone who wants to have a theatrical career, whether theyre complete newbies or already have some professional credits. Based on everything she learned on her journey to New York, including 10 years on Broadway, Tiffany shares the information that you need to succeed in theater. Everyones path is a little bit different, but the principles for success are always the same. With advice on auditions, how to become the performer they want to hire, developing relationships with cast mates, finding a reputable agent, the importance of reputation, and the best way to shape and build your career, Tiffany covers every aspect of the business. Youll learn what it takes to be successful and where to best spend your time and effort as you navigate the great mystery of pursuing musical theater. In an industry that is famed for its insider secrets, Tiffany draws back the curtain, giving readers the knowledge and tools they need to follow their dreams. If youre one of those people Waiting in the Wings for a big Broadway career, Tiffany Haass book is the one resource you need to land a big role, stand in front of those footlights and let it go!
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