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    Creative Career Coaching: Theory Into Practice

    Beschreibung Creative Career Coaching: Theory Into Practice. Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice is an innovative book for career development students and professionals aiming to creatively progress their coaching practice. Without losing sight of fundamental coaching values and practices, it encourages career development professionals to adapt their practice by harnessing imagination, intuition and critical reflection to engage clients. Hambly and Bomford consider the usefulness of creativity alongside traditional coaching models to reach "harder to help" groups. They consider a whole-brain approach to creativity, emphasising the need for coaches to adapt their client-facing skills for individual cases. They work through how clients make career decisions, how to use labour market information to motivate clients, how to frame a creative coaching session using techniques such as metaphor, visualisation and role play, how to use practical tools and techniques to resolve a client’s individual needs, and how to deliver on digital platforms. Combining the latest neuroscientific research with activities, summaries and case studies, this book provides a practical, skills-based approach to coaching. Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice is the first book to summarise the Creative Career Coaching Model. It will be an indispensable resource for students of career development, career coaching, coaching psychology and advice and guidance courses. It will also be of interest to career coaches in practice seeking to enhance their skills.

    Buch Creative Career Coaching: Theory Into Practice PDF ePub

    Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice - 1st ~ Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice is an innovative book for career development students and professionals aiming to creatively progress their coaching practice. Without losing sight of fundamental coaching values and practices, it encourages career development professionals to adapt their practice by harnessing imagination, intuition and critical reflection to engage clients.

    Creative Career Coaching 1st auflage / 9781138543591 ~ Creative Career Coaching Theory into Practice 1st Auflage von Liane Hambly; Ciara Bomford und Verleger Routledge. Sparen Sie bis zu 80% durch die Auswahl der eTextbook-Option für ISBN: 9781351006408, 1351006401. Die Druckversion dieses Lehrbuchs hat ISBN: 9781138543591, 1138543594.

    Creative Career Coaching: Theory Into Practice: .co ~ Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice is an innovative book for career development students and professionals aiming to creatively progress their coaching practice. Without losing sight of fundamental coaching values and practices, it encourages career development professionals to adapt their practice by harnessing imagination, intuition and critical reflection to engage clients.

    Creative Career Coaching: Theory Into Practice, (2019 ~ Description. Creative Career Coaching, 1st Edition (2019) Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice is an innovative book for career development students and professionals aiming to creatively progress their coaching practice. Without losing sight of fundamental coaching values and practices, it encourages career development professionals to adapt their practice by harnessing imagination .

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    The Learning Classroom: Theory Into Practice - Annenberg ~ The Learning Classroom: Theory Into Practice is a college course developed for students preparing to be teachers, as well as inservice K-12 classroom teachers and other educators.The course focuses on four essential questions: How do people learn and develop? How can my teaching and classroom environment support learning for understanding?

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