Beschreibung Lose the Resume, Land the Job. "'Lose the Résumé' breaks down every aspect of job hunting, explaining what matters and what doesn’t." – The New York Times Book ReviewLose the resume and land that coveted job Gone are the days of polishing up your resume and sending it out at random. At every level today, you need to “lose the resume” in order to land the right job. In other words, you have to learn to tell a story about yourself that speaks to your competencies, purpose, passion, and values. Lose the Resume, Land the Job shares the new rules of engagement: How you must think, act, and present yourself so you can win. Based on inner exploration drawn from the IP of the world's largest executive recruiting firm, the book gleans insights and stories (the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly) from Korn Ferry recruiters across the globe who work with thousands of candidates each day. It helps you gain a deeper perspective on who you are, what you’re passionate about, the cultures in which you fit, the kind of bosses you should work for, and where you can bring the most value to organizations. • Includes assessments, questionnaires, and other tools • Candid advice for young professionals through middle managers • Offers trusted guidance from the same firm that has shown 8 million executives how to achieve their career goals, and that puts a professional in new job every three minutes • Helps you build a plan for the future so you can contribute more to the next employer Getting a job and, more importantly, building a career has never been more complex. Lose the Resume, Land the Job helps you score the positions that align with your passion and match your attributes — and that will put you on a trajectory toward bigger and better things.
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Lose the Resume, Land the Job: Burnison, Gary ~ Lose the Resume, Land the Job shares the new rules of engagement: How you must think, act, and present yourself so you can win. Based on inner exploration drawn from the IP of the world's largest executive recruiting firm, the book gleans insights and stories (the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly) from Korn Ferry recruiters across the globe who work with thousands of candidates each day.
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