Beschreibung Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach. Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach examines a wide range of ethical dilemmas, principles and moral reasoning that arise in contemporary business through a series of popular films and real-world case studies.* Engages readers in learning about ethical theory by using movies and both national and international case studies in business as the vehicle for analysis and reflection* Facilitates comprehension of ethical issues by showing how characters in films confront issues, make choices, and face the consequences* Draws from a variety of actual cases in Business Ethics - from the 1982 Tylenol poisoning and the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster to recent examples such as the Foster Farms salmonella outbreak and the chemical spill in West Virginia* Reveals the important role that ethics plays in setting the moral foundation of a business or corporation* Develops critical thinking skills through applying analytical checklists to ethical dilemmas raised in films and in actual cases in Business Ethics
Business Ethics Through Movies : A Case Study Approach by ~ Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach examines a wide range of ethical dilemmas, principles and moral reasoning that arise in contemporary business through a series of popular films and real-world case studies. Whether through the actions of a whistleblower like Jeffrey Wigand from The Insider or the morally suspect behavior of Wall Street s Gordon Gekko, chapters reveal .
Crane, A: Business Ethics - Crane, Andrew, Matten, Dirk ~ Business Ethics, Fourth Edition, features excellent case studies and unique pedagogical features that show how theory relates to real-life practice. It also focuses on building student skills through in-text features like "Skill Checks," "Think Theory" boxes, and "Key Concept" boxes.
Free Case Studies - Business Case Studies - Research ~ The Open Case Studies project at UBC brings together faculty and students from different disciplines to write, edit, and learn with case studies that are free and open. World's Best Case Studies Short video case studies covering topics including consumer goods, services, and technology.
Qualitative Methods in Business Research - SAGE Research ~ Covering all the major qualitative approaches in business studies (including case study research, ethnography, narrative inquiry, discourse analysis, grounde
Case Studies - SHRM ~ benefits and business at aflac and l.l.bean ; columbus custom carpentry - a compensation case study; designing a pay structure - a case study and integrated exercises; workplace dispute resolution .
Case Study Research: Foundations and Methodological ~ "Case study research is a qualitative approach in which the investigator explores a bounded system (a case) or multiple bounded systems (cases) over time through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information (e.g., observations, interviews, audiovisual material, and documents and reports) and reports a case description and case-based themes" (ibid.).
Case Study Collection / Ethics Education Library ~ The Case Study Collection is a database of ethics cases from the fields of science, engineering, the social sciences, and business. Click on the following links to launch a search for cases in these subject areas. Responsible Conduct of Research Cases. Animal Research Subjects. Authorship. Bias in Research. Conflict of Interest. Data Management
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Writing a Case Study Analysis / Ashford Writing Center ~ A case study analysis requires you to investigate a business problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence. Preparing the Case. Before you begin writing, follow these guidelines to help you prepare and understand the case study: Read and Examine the Case Thoroughly
Case Studies in Medical Ethics and Bioethics ~ Case Study - The Case of Sepsis in a Newborn After an emergency c-section, Baby Girl X undergoes many surgeries to remove parts of her colon. When she subsequently gets sepsis and shock again, the parents are faced with the decision to continue aggressive treatment, leaving her to only receive nutrition by IV and possibly not live past about a decade, or to allow her to die naturally now.
Evaluation Models, Approaches, and Designs ~ Case Study Design. When evaluations are conducted for the purpose of understanding the program’s context, participants’ perspectives, the inner dynamics of situations, and questions related to participants’ experiences, and where generalization is not a goal, a case study design, with an emphasis
Case Study Method in Psychology / Simply Psychology ~ Case studies are in-depth investigations of a single person, group, event or community. Typically, data are gathered from a variety of sources and by using several different methods (e.g. observations & interviews). The case study research method originated in clinical medicine (the case history, i.e. the patient’s personal history).
Ethics Cases - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics ~ Find case studies and scenarios on a variety of fields in applied ethics. Cases can also be viewed by the following categories: For permission to reprint cases, submit requests to Looking to draft your own case studies? This template provides the basics for writing ethics case .
Case Studies - Research-Methodology ~ Case studies are a popular research method in business area. Case studies aim to analyze specific issues within the boundaries of a specific environment, situation or organization. According to its design, case studies in business research can be divided into three categories: explanatory, descriptive and exploratory.
Top 40 Most Popular Case Studies of 2018 / Yale School of ~ Cases about food and agriculture took center stage in 2018. A case on the coffee supply chain remained the top case and cases on burgers, chocolate, and palm oil all made the top ten, according to data compiled by Yale School of Management Case Research and Development Team (SOM CRDT). Other topics in the top ten included corporate social responsibility, healthcare, solar
11 inspiring case studies of digital transformation ~ Here are 11 inspiring case studies of digital transformation. BUSINESS: Served as an example of ‘digital customer’ expectations transitioning to the B2B world. Features include: free two-day shipping on orders of $49 or more, exclusive price discounts, hundreds of millions of products, purchasing system integration, tax-exempt purchasing for qualified customers, shared payment .
The Case Centre homepage / The Case Centre ~ Welcome to The Case Centres website. We are the case method resource for business education By . Craig Smith on Ethics category win . Dana Minbaeva on free case success . Michael Mol talks strategy . David Stowell on winning case . Peter O'Connor's case writing tips. Ask the experts: why use cases? The Case Centre is dedicated to advancing the case method worldwide, sharing knowledge, wisdom .
Code of Ethics Case Studies ~ The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice is meant to inform practice and education, and it is useful for individual decision-making. Computing professionals should approach issues that arise in everyday practice with a holistic reading of the principles of the ACM Code of Ethics and evaluate the situation with thoughtful consideration to the circumstances. In all cases, the computing .
HBR Store - Case Studies - Harvard Business Review ~ Case studies written by professors at HBS and other leading business programs worldwide, focusing on real-world problems and decisions companies face.
Cross cultural management - HBR ~ Find new ideas and classic advice for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts.
PREPARING A CASE STUDY: A Guide for Designing and ~ than what is available through other methods, such as surveys. Case studies also allow one to present data collected from multiple methods (i.e., surveys, interviews, document review, and observation) to provide the complete story. There are a few limitations and pitfalls however, each of which is described below. Can be lengthy:Because they provide detailed information about the case in .
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ECA Code of Ethics - Early Childhood Australia ~ With case studies, scenarios and provocations to help guide you in your everyday ethical implementation. ECA Code of Ethics Brochure. Outlines ECA’s Code of Ethics in easy-to-follow point form. Click here to access a printable version of the ECA Code of Ethics brochure. The printed Code of Ethics Brochure can be purchased here.
"Three Approaches to Case Study Methods in Education: Yin ~ Case study methodology has long been a contested terrain in social sciences research which is characterized by varying, sometimes opposing, approaches espoused by many research methodologists. Despite being one of the most frequently used qualitative research methodologies in educational research, the methodologists do not have a full consensus on the design and implementation of case study .
The Case Study Teaching Method ~ The Harvard Business School case study approach grew out of the Langdellian method. But instead of using established case law, business professors chose real-life examples from the business world to highlight and analyze business principles. HBS-style case studies typically consist of a short narrative (less than 25 pages), told from the point of view of a manager or business leader embroiled .