Beschreibung 1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies: 1,001 Practice Problems for Dummies. Get up to speed quickly--review and practice major concepts in accounting! Whether you're looking to improve your classroom experience, or simply become more familiar with accounting concepts, 1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies is the hands-on tool you need to get a step ahead. The book's practice questions and review content go hand-in-hand with the content offered in Accounting For Dummies, ensuring that you have a working knowledge of the most important concepts and skills in accounting. This practical resource gives you access to tons of helpful online content, including practice problems in multiple-choice format, and customizable practice sets for self-directed study, all available on the go through your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Practice problems are categorized as easy, medium, or hard, so you can build your knowledge at your own pace. A perfect companion for anyone looking to increase their accounting skills, this book has the added benefit of offering review and practice useful for individuals looking to pass their accounting courses and lay the groundwork for an accounting career.* Filled with practice questions, review content, tips, and explanations for anyone interested in accounting principles* Includes tons of online practice content, such as multiple choice questions and customizable practice sets, all available with purchase of the book* Ideal for individuals looking to pass an accounting class or start a career in accounting* Serves as an excellent companion resource to Accounting For Dummies Packed with endless practice opportunities, 1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies has everything you need to jumpstart your journey into accounting and financial documentation.
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