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    International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership

    Beschreibung International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership. This is the seventh edition of International Management Behavior, an established text for students and executives developing the knowledge, perspective and skills required for leading and managing people in global business. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of international management, structured around the core challenges and opportunities faced by global managers. This encompasses: the role of the global manager, working on an individual and organizational level, and understanding how to manage a diverse workforce. Individual chapters address key subjects, including: the global mindset, working effectively across cultures, strategy execution, change management and working in global teams. This edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect recent developments in ethics and corporate sustainability. Based on over 40 years of teaching and research, International Management Behavior 7e is designed to stimulate and facilitate learning. This text combines a wealth of theoretical knowledge with current real-world examples across a range of cultures and industry sectors. The authors focus on research that provides the most immediate, practical guidance for managers, with well-chosen examples to demonstrate practical implementation and bring key concepts to life. To accompany the revised and updated seventh edition of International Management Behavior, updated instructor support material has been supplied at www.wiley.com/go/lane7e, including PowerPoint slides and teaching notes. This instructor site has been designed in conjunction with the main text to assist the teaching and development of global leaders.

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    International Management Behavior Global And Sustainable ~ international management behavior global and sustainable leadership By Ken Follett FILE ID 8a6771 Freemium Media Library International Management Behavior Global And Sustainable Leadership PAGE #1 : International Management Behavior Global And Sustainable Leadership By Ken Follett - international management behavior global and sustainable leadership lane henry w maznevski martha isbn .

    International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable ~ International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership, 7th Edition / Wiley This is the seventh edition of International Management Behavior, an established text for students and executives developing the knowledge, perspective and skills required for leading and managing people in global business.

    International Management Behavior Global and Sustainable ~ International Management Behavior Global and Sustainable Leadership Seventh Edition Henry W. Lane Professor of International Business and Strategy, D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, and Professor Emeritus, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario Martha L. Maznevski Professor of Organizational Behavior and International Management, IMD, Lausanne .

    Henry W. Lane - ~ International Management Behavior: Text, Readings, and Cases . International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership 06.01.2014. von Henry W. Lane , Martha Maznevski Taschenbuch. 39,29 € Nur noch 2 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs). ( 6 ) International Management Behavior: Text, Readings, and Cases 30.09.2005. von Henry W. Lane , III DiStefano, Joseph J. , Martha L. Maznevski .

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    Cross-Cultural Management - Management - Oxford Bibliographies ~ International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership. 7th ed. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2014. Save Citation » Export Citation » E-mail Citation » Unlike previous editions, this volume does not contain business cases. In this new edition, the text has been refocused around leadership to appeal to practicing managers. However, it .

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