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    Behavioral Economics For Dummies

    Beschreibung Behavioral Economics For Dummies. A guide to the study of how and why you really make financial decisions While classical economics is based on the notion that people act with rational self-interest, many key money decisions--like splurging on an expensive watch--can seem far from rational. The field of behavioral economics sheds light on the many subtle and not-so-subtle factors that contribute to our financial and purchasing choices. And in Behavioral Economics For Dummies, readers will learn how social and psychological factors, such as instinctual behavior patterns, social pressure, and mental framing, can dramatically affect our day-to-day decision-making and financial choices. Based on psychology and rooted in real-world examples, Behavioral Economics For Dummies offers the sort of insights designed to help investors avoid impulsive mistakes, companies understand the mechanisms behind individual choices, and governments and nonprofits make public decisions.* A friendly introduction to the study of how and why people really make financial decisions* The author is a professor of behavioral and institutional economics at Victoria University An essential component to improving your financial decision-making (and even to understanding current events), Behavioral Economics For Dummies is important for just about anyone who has a bank account and is interested in why--and when--they spend money.

    Buch Behavioral Economics For Dummies PDF ePub

    Behavioral Economics For Dummies - Altman, Morris - ~ Behavioral Economics For Dummies / Altman, Morris / ISBN: 9781118085035 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Behavioral Economics For Dummies (eBook, PDF) - bücher ~ Based on psychology and rooted in real-world examples,Behavioral Economics For Dummies offers the sort of insightsdesigned to help investors avoid impulsive mistakes, companiesunderstand the mechanisms behind individual choices, andgovernments and nonprofits make public decisions. * A friendly introduction to the study of how and why peoplereally make financial decisions * The author is a professor of behavioral and institutionaleconomics at Victoria University An essential component to .

    Behavioral Economics For Dummies (eBook, ePUB) - bücher ~ And in Behavioral Economics For Dummies, readers will learn how social and psychological factors, such as instinctual behavior patterns, social pressure, and mental framing, can dramatically affect our day-to-day decision-making and financial choices. Based on psychology and rooted in real-world examples, Behavioral Economics For Dummies offers the sort of insights designed to help investors .

    Behavioral Economics For Dummies: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild ~ And in Behavioral Economics For Dummies, readers will learn how social and psychological factors, such as instinctual behavior patterns, social pressure, and mental framing, can dramatically affect our day-to-day decision-making and financial choices. Based on psychology and rooted in real-world examples, Behavioral Economics For Dummies offers the sort of insights designed to help investors .

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