Beschreibung Swing Trading for Beginners: 7 Golden Rules for Making a Full-Time Income Online with Routines, Proven Strategies and Risk Management + Guides for Trading Cryptocurrency & Forex. How to Get All the Benefits of Day Trading without the Downside RiskWould you jump out of an airplane without a parachute? Then why would you start making trades online before you learned what you were doing?It’s crazy! But with deep discount brokers making it look so easy for individual investors, it’s no wonder consumers today are lulled into a false sense of security.“Opening an online account is the easy part! It’s making successful trades that’s the hard part!”Don’t leave your money in the hands of crooked financial advisors and greedy fund managers who charge high fees for low returns.With the new economy, comes new trading rules.You can’t rely on outdated textbooks and strategies anymore.But if you adapt, you can make a considerable fortune with these new market conditions.Here’s the deal.Swing trading requires less start-up capital than day trading.And unlike day trading, swing trading plays out over a few days or a week – which gives you much more room for error.Making it far more beginner friendly, with an easier learning curve.It’s also ideal if you have a family, or want to start in your spare time.Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover inside:The best brokerage accounts for swing traders (setting this up right can save you $1000+ a year in commissions)How social media moves asset prices, and how to always be first to act on these (do this and you’ll almost always ensure lower entry prices than your competition)The only 3 strategies you need for swing trading success (despite what everyone else tells you, it’s these 3 which will bring 90% of your profits)How to always ensure the right entry position for a tradeThe magic trading number: If you win this percentage of your trades, you’ll make massive profits (lower than you think)How to spot under or overvalued stocks with 99% accuracyThe secret to finding your trading edge (hint: the risk-reward ratio isn’t enough)When to invest, and more important when NOT to invest like Warren BuffettThe 10 best traders to follow on Twitter for maximum profit opportunitiesHow to trade like a financial institution – even if you’re just doing this in your spare timeChart patterns that provide trading opportunitiesHow to master the emotional side of tradingA simple technique you can do in just 5 minutes a day. This is used by top hedge fund traders, and almost always guarantees an increase in your percentage of winning tradesUnderstanding recent tax law changes – and their impact on your business (in plain English)How to let the market do the work for you (an effective “passive trading” strategy)…and much, much more.You may have experienced various obnoxious and even misleading advertisements of easy, get rich trading strategies.This is not one of those.You won’t have to spend thousands on expensive trading software or “magic bullet systems”In fact, you can get started using an online trading account and use free websites for your information (you’ll find the best two in Chapter 7)You will build up both your skills and confidence, with practical “how-to” approaches.All written in plain, easy to understand English.So if you want to make money in your spare time, and have fun while doing it… scroll up and click “add to cart”
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