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    Being Different Matters: The Jobseeker's Manual to the New Economy: The Jobseeker's Manual to the New Economy: Second Edition

    Beschreibung Being Different Matters: The Jobseeker's Manual to the New Economy: The Jobseeker's Manual to the New Economy: Second Edition. Do you have a strategy for designing and landing the career you actually want? Being Different Matters: The Jobseekers Manual to the New Economy, provides the practical and tactical insights to do just that. With the anecdotes, examples and 12 exercises provided, you will gain the ability to better articulate and differentiate your career story - and achieve it.You will land your next job or client not by telling them what you have done in the past but by convincing them of the value you will deliver in the future. This book shows you how to do just that.

    Buch Being Different Matters: The Jobseeker's Manual to the New Economy: The Jobseeker's Manual to the New Economy: Second Edition PDF ePub

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