Beschreibung Double Your Salary: Without losing your soul. Mark Anderson Smith had what he thought was a well-paid job, until he couldn't afford to buy his children new shoes. That experience made him examine his life and led him to set a goal to double his salary in four years. Double Your Salary starts with his story... How he set two other goals at the same time, to achieve ambitions held since childhood: to gain a university degree and complete a novel. How he found that working on all three goals at the same time produced a harmonic effect, that making progress towards each goal made the other goals easier to achieve. How he successfully achieved all three goals in four years. Looking back to his earlier working life, he shares how he had already doubled low salaries twice before, yet that had not resulted in enough income to provide for his family. He considers choices to pursue work that offered greater meaning and purpose, and offers a balanced perspective on the relationship between the urgency of providing for our needs, with the necessity of making time for family, friends, and faith. Double Your Salary is filled with prompts and suggestions to get you thinking about your own future, encouraging you to set goals, to develop a plan that could transform your life. In addition the final section of the book offers a range of insights: How to use job adverts to develop a training plan Writing a better CV/Resumé The importance of appearance Interview techniques The benefits and risks of saving through a pension Why you need to understand the killer impact of inflation Paying for education when you have no money The need to set medium and long term goals The pyramid vs wigwam routes for career progression There is a common belief that only governments can reduce poverty. Double Your Salary offers you an alternative: you can take control of your career, your future, your life!
Double Your Salary: Without losing your soul - Mark ~ Double Your Salary: Without losing your soul / Mark Anderson Smith / ISBN: 9780992988395 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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