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    Bring a Dead Mouse, 3rd Edition: The Secret to Finding Your Perfect Job

    Beschreibung Bring a Dead Mouse, 3rd Edition: The Secret to Finding Your Perfect Job. “Bring a Dead Mouse" represents the summary of the incredibly impactful advice that Charlotte Lee has been sharing with her clients for years. This book will provide you with straightforward, actionable advice about doing a job search in any market. A little blunt? Yes. Unique? Yes, but that’s the kind of advice Charlotte Lee gives. And it works. Charlotte’s qualifications are evident in the depth and diversity of her career background, which she complements with her expertise and true passion for providing career support to others. The advice and guidance in "Bring a Dead Mouse" is realistic, on target, and motivating. As you read this book, you'll almost be able to hear her voice. And when Charlotte talks, people take action! Although the official unemployment rate has been dropping steadily, there are 15 million more Americans out of the labor force today than there were a decade ago (about 80 million vs. 95 million). And the competition for jobs in today’s market is fiercer than ever. The good old days when all you had to do to get a job was match up the skills on your resume to an online job spec are long gone. And they’re not coming back anytime soon. Today, human resources people hire fewer than five percent of applicants. And why not? Hiring is now a buyers’ market. The applicant pool is well stocked with highly qualified people with powerful skills and impressive CVs. Not surprisingly, employers have raised their expectations for applicants. Hiring managers tend to be conservative, holding out for candidates clearly able to do the job—usually candidates who’ve already done the job successfully elsewhere. In the new paradigm, you need to establish your value in the marketplace. To do that, you need to listen actively to potential employers about what’s keeping them up at night. Then you need to figure out which of your skills will fix their problem and how you’re going to persuade them to hire you as either a contractor or a full-time employee. You’ve got to show them you can help them meet the challenges they face, simply and seamlessly. Read this book, and you'll learn everything you need to know to land the perfect job.

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