Beschreibung The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon?. IBM is in serious trouble. Big Blue, as the company is known, tends to rely for its success on magical thinking but that magic ran out a long time ago. The company got in trouble back in the 1990s and had to hire for the first time an outside CEO, Lou Gerstner, to save the day. Gerstner pushed IBM into services with spectacular results but this hurt the company, too. As services have became commoditized IBM could only compete by offshoring the work and quality suffered. The other negative impact of Gerstner was his compensation which was for the first time in IBM history very high. Only the Watson family had become rich running IBM with later CEOs like John Opel and John Akers living comfortable lives with lots of perks, but they never got BIG RICH. That changed with Gerstner. Sam Palmisano an IBM lifer followed Gerstner as CEO and followed, too, the Gerstner playbook. Palmisano retired three years ago with a retirement package worth $241 million, replaced by IBM's first woman CEO, Ginni Rometty, who certainly expects a comparable golden parachute. In order to achieve these numbers, though, IBM has essentially sacrificed both its customers and employees. In order to have ever growing earnings per share the company has cut labor to the bone, off-shored everything it can, dropped quality, deliberately underbid contracts to win them then not performed. IBM's acquisition policy is one of buying companies to get their sales then cutting costs to the bone and under-delivering. This and share buybacks have kept earnings growing until this house of cards recently began to fall. Ginni Rometty, who will end up taking the fall for Palmisano's flawed strategy, has stated a very specific earnings goal for 2015 that she will destroy the company to achieve if she must. This book how IBM fell from grace, where it is headed, and what specifically can be done to save the company before it is too late.
The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon ~ The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon? - Kindle edition by Cringely, Robert, Foster, Lars, Gurley, Katy. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon?.
The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon? by ~ The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon? Robert Cringely I'm a tech professional who specialized in IBM/Lotus software from 1996 through about 2012. I've read Robert Cringely's I, Cringely columns over the years, and watched how he documented the decline of IBM as a company where employees were respected and organizations received value for their money. The Decline and Fall of IBM .
The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon ~ By the end of 2013, IBM employed more than 100,000 workers in India alone. Many American workers quit - saving IBM from paying severance. H1-B visa abuse became rampant throughout high tech. IBM did not want to produce commodities, so they sold the PC business to Lenovo. At the end of 2007 it changed its pension plan from defined benefit to a 401K.
The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon? by ~ The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon? 202. by Robert X Cringely. Paperback $ 10.95. Paperback. $10.95. NOOK Book. $3.99 . View All Available Formats & Editions. Ship This Item â Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. English 0990444422 .
: Customer reviews: The Decline and Fall of IBM ~ The Decline and Fall of IBM: End of an American Icon? is Cringely's effort to take all his columns over time and present the material in a cohesive and comprehensive manner. With very few exceptions, I have to agree that his assessment is dead on (based on my observations and interactions with others), and the future does not look bright based on the path IBM is taking.
The Decline and Fall of IBM by Robert Cringely / Audiobook ~ Ginni Rometty, who will end up taking the fall for Palmisano's flawed strategy, has stated a very specific earnings goal for 2015 that she will destroy the company to achieve if she must. This book how IBM fell from grace, where it is headed, and what specifically can be done to save the company before it is too late.
The Decline and Rise of IBM - MIT Sloan Management Review ~ IBM is making a comeback. Although many observers had counted the company out â âItâs a dinosaur, an implosion, a wreck,â various commentators said â its revival was probable, even predictable, because cycles of decline and revitalization have been the companyâs pattern through many decades. Part of the pattern has been its slow confrontation of new technological approaches .
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The history of the CDâs rise and fall / Digital Trends ~ Best Buyâs decision to stop selling CDs altogether by July marks the end of an era. In memoriam, weâve created this timeline marking the CDâs rise and fall.
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