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    The Transitioning Military Project Manager: Second Edition

    Beschreibung The Transitioning Military Project Manager: Second Edition. The Transitioning Military Project Manager is designed to help transitioning military personnel evaluate and understand their potential for transforming themselves into a marketable commodity within the public and private sectors as Project Managers. All new second edition has a Foreword by US Congressman Bill Johnson, 6th Congressional District, Ohio. Also included is Agile and scrum instruction, new graphics, index and numerous other updates. The book provides guidance for transitioning military personnel on the path toward commercial project management. Veterans gain insight of their personal military experience, understand the value of their learned knowledge and confidently approach their transition into the civilian marketplace as a project manager through application of their inherent skills. Common sense assistance is presented for transitioning military personnel, as an authoritative guide. Transitional knowledge is codified through the use of authoritative sources like PMI, DAU and other veterans who have successfully transitioned into project management in the career field. This book provides a method for personal change and surviving the transition from the service into the civilian sectors. In addition to authoritative project management information, The Transitioning Military Project Managers also contains success stories, self-evaluation, personal assessments, and Personal Strategic Roadmap development; also providing guidance for the newcomer to the civil service environment and its associated challenges. This book is for everyone transitioning from the military considering project management among their multiple career field choices after the service.

    Buch The Transitioning Military Project Manager: Second Edition PDF ePub

    The Transitioning Military Project Manager (The ~ For any military servicemember looking for a meaningful post-military career in the Project Management sector, The Transitioning Military - Project Manager is the most powerful tool you could have at your disposal! From developing the proper mindset to assessing your value in the marketplace to locating the key resources that will get you hired, this book covers it all and more! Tailored .

    : Customer reviews: The Transitioning Military ~ For any military servicemember looking for a meaningful post-military career in the Project Management sector, The Transitioning Military - Project Manager is the most powerful tool you could have at your disposal! From developing the proper mindset to assessing your value in the marketplace to locating the key resources that will get you hired, this book covers it all and more! Tailored .

    The Transitioning Military IT Professional (The ~ The Transitioning Military IT Professional is designed to help transitioning military personnel evaluate and understand the potential for transforming themselves into a marketable commodity within the public and private sectors as Information Technology (IT) professional employees and managers. The book provides guidance for the translation of military experience to the commercial IT world .

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