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    I Want a New Career...Now What Do I Do?

    Beschreibung I Want a New Career...Now What Do I Do?. Wondering what to do next in your life or career? Don't stay "stuck" on a career path that does not provide you with the joy, inspiration, and fulfillment you desire. I Want a NEW CAREER...Now What Do I Do? provides step-by-step guidance through The Five Step Process for Career Transition. This process gives you the structure and tools you need to successfully find your NEW CAREER. Filled with inspirational stories, plenty of resources and extensive activities like brainstorming, writing personal statements, journaling, analyzing information, and planning and creating a timeline, this book will help you turn inward to who you are and what you are all about and guide you to discover the work you were born to do.

    Buch I Want a New Career...Now What Do I Do? PDF ePub

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