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    Beyond the Zulu Principle: Extraordinary Profits from Growth Shares (Harriman Modern Classics)

    Beschreibung Beyond the Zulu Principle: Extraordinary Profits from Growth Shares (Harriman Modern Classics). A brand new edition of the classic bestsellerThe goal of all investors is to make the maximum possible profit from their investments. 'Beyond The Zulu Principle' shows you how to do this by focusing on growth shares. Jim Slater believes he has discovered a major market anomaly that should enable both private and institutional investors to enjoy exceptional returns in the stockmarket.A number of important factors are crucial to successful investment. Jim Slater explains how to choose a company operating in the right sector with an advantage over its competitors. He also highlights the importance of directors' dealings, CEO changes, relative strength, cash flow accelerating earnings, and the capacity of some companies to clone their activities.Simple but enormously effective, the guidance offered here should help readers to make stockmarket profits well beyond the market averages.

    Buch Beyond the Zulu Principle: Extraordinary Profits from Growth Shares (Harriman Modern Classics) PDF ePub

    Principle Ext raordinary Profits From Harriman ~ Profits From Growth Shares Harriman Modern Classics Beyond The Zulu Principle. A number of important factors are crucial to successful investment. Jim Slater explains how to choose a company operating in the right sector with an advantage over its competitors. He also highlights the importance of directors dealings, CEO changes, relative .

    Beyond the Zulu Principle: Extraordinary Profits from ~ Beyond the Zulu Principle: Extraordinary Profits from Growth Shares (Harriman Modern Classics) / Jim Slater / ISBN: 9780857190024 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Beyond The Zulu Principle: Extraordinary Profits from ~ A brand new edition of the classic bestseller The goal of all investors is to make the maximum possible profit from their investments. 'Beyond The Zulu Principle' shows you how to do this by focusing on growth shares. Jim Slater believes he has discovered a major market anomaly that should enable both private and institutional investors to enjoy exceptional returns in the stockmarket. A number of important factors are crucial to successful investment. Jim Slater explains how to choose a .

    Beyond the Zulu Principle: Extraordinary Profits from ~ A brand new edition of the classic bestseller The goal of all investors is to make the maximum possible profit from their investments. 'Beyond The Zulu Principle' shows you how to do this by focusing on growth shares. Jim Slater believes he has discovered a major market anomaly that should enable both private and institutional investors to enjoy exceptional returns in the stockmarket. A number of important factors are crucial to successful investment. Jim Slater explains how to choose a .

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