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    Writing Opinion for Impact 2e

    Beschreibung Writing Opinion for Impact 2e. Good editorial writing has the potential to start a war &; or avoid one. Is it any wonder event the most experienced journalists find opinion writing important and fascinating? In this fully updated and revised second edition of Writing Opinion for Impact, author Conrad Fink provides the guidance for translating the basics into opinion writing that is reasoned, forceful, responsible, engaging and readable. New to this edition is a stand-alone chapter on Commentary for Cyberspace and Broadcast, with an expanded discussion of writing for online publications, including a discussion of Slate, other Internet services, and blogs. Also new to this edition is the inclusion of full-length editorials complete with the author&;s commentaries that elaborate on teaching points from the chapters. These editorial reprints and author commentaries include: editorials from leading newspaper and magazine publications; a political commentary column; a humor column; a sports column; a film review; and columns on business and lifestyle. New or expanded coverage also includes: discussion of plagiarism and outright lying that struck column-writing in recent years; staying fair and balanced in reporting; computer assisted reporting, including Web sites; career progression for columnists; the trend toward campus newspaper columns containing frank sex advice. Aspiring editorial writers and columnists &; whether students or journalists in transition &; will find the second edition of Writing Opinion for Impact an invaluable guide to the responsibilities, techniques, and art of opinion writing.

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