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    The Essential Book of Interviewing: Everything You Need to Know from Both Sides of the Table

    Beschreibung The Essential Book of Interviewing: Everything You Need to Know from Both Sides of the Table. In today's tough job market, the interview process is more important than ever. But to be successful in the interview game each side needs to know what the other is really looking for. The Essential Book of Interviewing gives interviewers and interviewees the principles and techniques they need to master the process. In a clear and highly readable style, Arnold B. Kanter explains how job seekers and interviewers can:-- Give and get the information they need-- Ask the right questions and avoid the wrong ones-- Prepare for the interview and make decisions-- Achieve diversity and avoid illegal hiring practicesThe result is the most complete and helpful book on interviewing ever written. Whether you're seeking your first job or hiring your hundredth employee you can't afford to be without The Essential Book of Interviewing.

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