Beschreibung Bookkeeping for Dummies (For Dummies Series). Accurate and complete bookkeeping is crucial to any business owner, but its also important to those who work with the business, such as investors, financial institutions, and employees. People both inside and outside the business all depend on a bookkeepers accurate recordings.Bookkeeping For Dummies provides the easy and painless way to master this crucial art. Youll be able to manage your own finances to save money and grow your business. This straightforward, no-nonsense guide shows you the basics of bookkeepingfrom recording transactions to producing balance sheets and year-end reports. Discover how to:Outline your financial road map with a chart of accountsKeep journals of cash transactionsSet up your computerized booksControl your books, your records, and your moneyBuy and track your purchasesRecord sales returns and allowancesDetermine your employee [is employee necessary here?] staffs net payMaintain employee recordsPrepare your books for years endReport results and start overProduce an income statementComplete year-end payroll and reportsThis guide features tips and tricks for managing your business cash with your books and also profiles important accounts for any bookkeeper. Theres no question that bookkeepers must be detail-oriented, meticulous, and accurate.Bookkeeping For Dummies shows you how to keep track of your businesss financial well-being and ensure future success!
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Bookkeeping For Dummies (For Dummies Series) (English ~ The fast and easy way to master the art of bookkeeping. If you're a business owner or an employee who manages finances, the latest edition of Bookkeeping For Dummies is for you. This handy guide gives you clear and concise information on how to keep track of accounts, prepare balance sheets, organize ledgers or journals, create financial statements, and so much more.
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