Beschreibung Accounting in a Nutshell: Accounting for the non-specialist (CIMA Professional Handbook). Designed primarily for middle and junior management who deal with financial information without really understanding the content; students who are studying accounting as a non-specialist subject, for example on a business studies or engineering course. The book serves as a basic reference to be used throughout the course. It will also be particularly helpful in providing the basic grounding that is required before moving on to the more technical and in-depth study of the subject that may be required on some courses. Students who are embarking on a course of study to become a professional accountant will also find this book of major benefit. In addition to revisions through out, a new new chapter 'Making long-term investment decisions' covering capital investment decisions, extends and rounds out the final part of the book: using Financial Information to Manage a Business. The chapter deals with the investment appraisal process and covers the main investment appraisal techniques from the point of view of a non-specialist: payback periods, accounting rate of return and discounted cash flow methods are just some of the new topics covered. The focus will be on the level of understanding that a non-specialist requires in the work place as such, in keeping with the rest of the book, the chapter includes practical examples and exercises to enhance the reader's understanding.
Accounting in a Nutshell: Accounting for the non ~ Accounting in a Nutshell: Accounting for the non-specialist (CIMA Professional Handbook) / Walker, Janet / ISBN: 8601234594956 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Accounting in a Nutshell / ScienceDirect ~ Accounting for the Non-specialist A volume in CIMA Professional Handbook. Book • Third Edition • 2009. Authors: Janet Walker. Accounting in a Nutshell Accounting for the Non-specialist A volume in CIMA Professional Handbook. Book • Third Edition • 2009 Browse book content. About the book. Search in this book. Authors: Janet Walker. About the book. Browse this book. By table of contents .
Accounting in a Nutshell, : Accounting for the non-specialist ~ Accounting in a Nutshell, : Accounting for the non-specialist Janet Walker Designed primarily for middle and junior management who deal with financial information without really understanding the content; students who are studying accounting as a non-specialist subject, for example on a business studies or engineering course.
Accounting in a Nutshell: Accounting for the Non ~ Accounting in a Nutshell: Accounting for the Non-specialist (CIMA Professional Handbook) [Walker, Janet] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Accounting in a Nutshell: Accounting for the Non-specialist (CIMA Professional Handbook)
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Accounting in a Nutshell - Janet Walker - Google Books ~ This book is designed primarily for the following: middle and junior management who deal with financial information without really understanding the content; students who are studying accounting as a non-specialist subject, for example on a business studies or engineering course. The book will serve as a basic reference to be used throughout the course.
Accounting in a Nutshell: Accounting for the non ~ Descriptions: Designed primarily for middle and junior management who deal with financial information without really understanding the content; students who are studying accounting as a non-specialist subject, for example on a business studies or engineering course. The book serves as a basic reference to be used throughout the course.
Accounting in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition: Accounting for the ~ Accounting in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition: Accounting for the non-specialist (CIMA Professional Handbook), Janet Walker Designed primarily for middle and junior management who deal with financial information without really understanding the content; students who are studying accounting as a non-specialist subject, for example on a business studies or engineering course. The book serves as a basic .
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Accounting in a Nutshell (2nd ed.) by Walker, Janet (ebook) ~ Accounting in a Nutshell: Accounting for the non-specialist (2nd ed.) (CIMA Exam Support Books series) by Janet Walker. This book is designed primarily for middle and junior managers who deal with financial information without really understanding the content and for students who are studying accounting as a non-specialist subject, for example on a business studies or engineering course. The .
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