Beschreibung Content is King: Writing and Editing On-Line (Emarketing Essentials). A growing number of information providers are now online, and as a result being able to produce copy that is suitable for an online readership is of increasing importance. In this text the basic principles of copywriting are covered, along with more specific guidance on writing for online sources. The differences between writing for online and offline are highlighted to enable the reader to distinguish between the two and consequently write the best form of copy for the end source.
Different sources of online content require different approaches, and therefore the author takes a structured approach, taking each of these channels in turn, for example writing for web sites, writing for email, ezines and newsletters, writing for search engines, and writing for online ads. By approaching each topic individually, specific guidance is provided enabling the reader to be properly equipped with the tools required to write the most appropriate copy for the task in hand.
Content Is King - Writing and Editing Online - by David ~ The purpose of Content Is King (Writing and Editing Online) is to help you to write, edit and publish more effective content for your online readership. Whether you're a marketer , editor or copywriter , I hope you will find it helpful on an ongoing basis to weave your words in such a way as to consistently satisfy your online audience and achieve your particular objectives.
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