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    Global Ethics

    Beschreibung Global Ethics. The field of global ethics draws on traditions of moral theory, mostly derived from western philosophy, in order to address moral problems specific to an increasingly globalised world. This book provides an accessible introduction to the field of global ethics for students of politics, international relations and globalisation. It offers an overview and assessment of key perspectives in global ethics and their implications for substantive moral issues in global politics. These issues include the morality of state and non-state violence, the obligations of rich to poor in a globalising world and the scope and nature of international human rights. The aim of the book is to help non-specialist students understand the assumptions underpinning different moral traditions and to enable them to make up their own minds about the best way of approaching moral judgment and prescription in a shared world, which is nevertheless marked by massive cultural differences and inequalities of power.

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    Global Ethics, Compliance & Integrity: Yearbook 2018 Recht ~ This yearbook is the first in the series of annual publications designed to inform the global expert community of the latest developments and future challenges in the area of Ethics, Compliance and Integrity in different organizations (corporations, associations, the public administration etc.). This first edition contains over 40 individual contributions by professionals representing various disciplines, countries and international organizations. It is divided into several thematic chapters .

    Global Ethics and Civil Society (ETHICS AND GLOBAL ~ Global Ethics and Civil Society (ETHICS AND GLOBAL POLITICS) / O'Byrne, Darren / ISBN: 9780754642145 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Global Media Ethics (eBook, PDF) - Portofrei bei bücher ~ Global Media Ethics is the first comprehensive cross-cultural exploration of the conceptual and practical issues facing media ethics in a global world. A team of leading journalism experts investigate the impact of major global trends on responsible journalism. * The first full-length, truly global textbook on media ethics * Explores how current global changes in media promote and inhibit .

    Business Ethics - Crane A. - : Bücher ~ It is the only text on the market that fully considers the implications of three major ethical challenges facing business: corporate citizenship, globalization, and sustainability. This third edition offers fully integrated global perspectives, including increased coverage of Asia, Africa and Latin America. The book has been thoroughly updated and includes new content on climate change, water issues, financial markets, private equity, social enterprise, and global religions. The authors .

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