Beschreibung AP(R) ENGLISH LANGUAGE & COMPO (Ap All Access). All Access for the AP® English Language and Composition ExamBook + Web + Mobile Everything you need to prepare for the Advanced Placement® exam, in a study system built around you!There are many different ways to prepare for an Advanced Placement® exam. What's best for you depends on how much time you have to study and how comfortable you are with the subject matter. To score your highest, you need a system that can be customized to fit you: your schedule, your learning style, and your current level of knowledge.This book, and the online tools that come with it, will help you personalize your AP® English Language and Composition prep by testing your understanding, pinpointing your weaknesses, and delivering flashcard study materials unique to you.The REA AP® All Access system allows you to create a personalized study plan through three simple steps: targeted review of exam content, assessment of your knowledge, and focused study in the topics where you need the most help.Here's how it works:Review the Book:Study the topics tested on the AP® English Language and Composition exam and learn proven AP® strategies that will help you tackle any question you may see on test day.Test Yourself and Get Feedback: As you review the book, test yourself with 6 end-of-chapter quizzes, plus 2 mini-tests. Score reports from your free online tests and quizzes give you a fast way to pinpoint what you really know and what you should spend more time studying.Improve Your Score: Armed with your score reports, you can personalize your study plan. Review the parts of the book where you are weakest, and use the REA Study Center to create your own unique AP® English Language and Composition e-flashcards, adding to the 100 free cards included with this book.Visit The REA Study Center for a suite of online tools:The best way to personalize your study plan is to get frequent feedback on what you know and what you don't. At the online REA Study Center, you can access three types of assessment: topic-level quizzes, mini-tests, and a full-length practice test. Each of these tools provides true-to-format questions and delivers a detailed score report that follows the topics set by the College Board®.Topic-Level QuizzesShort, 15-minute online quizzes are available throughout the review and are designed to test your immediate grasp of the topics just covered.Mini-TestsTwo online mini-tests cover what you've studied in each half of the book. These tests are like the actual AP® English Language and Composition exam, only shorter, and will help you evaluate your overall understanding of the subject.Full-Length Practice TestAfter you've finished reviewing the book, take our full-length AP® English Language and Composition exam to practice under test-day conditions. Available both in the book and online, this test gives you the most complete picture of your strengths and weaknesses. We strongly recommend that you take the online version of the exam for the added benefits of timed testing, automatic scoring, and a detailed score report.Improving Your Score: e-FlashcardsWith your score reports from the quizzes and tests, you'll be able to see exactly which AP® English Language and Composition topics you need to review. Use this information to create your own flashcards for the areas where you are weak. And, because you will create these flashcards through the REA Study Center, you'll be able to access them from any computer or smartphone. Not quite sure what to put on your flashcards? Start with the 100 free cards included when you buy this book.
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