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    Hot Text: Web Writing that Works (Voices That Matter)

    Beschreibung Hot Text: Web Writing that Works (Voices That Matter). This book presents style guidelines based on quantitative research and practitioner lore about what works on the web, what flops, and what looks like leftover newsprint. It shows how to apply those guidelines to many common Internet genres such as customer assistance, product descriptions, distance learning, marketing emails, or webzines. The book also includes case studies of the prose from popular sites-two page spreads that will show a screenshot, and analysis of the prose to see how well it works. As more companies recognize that their survival depends on putting the whole company up on the web, everyone will have to write material that appears on the website-not just specialists in IT, or Marketing, or some out-sourced agency. This is the handbook for those people.

    Buch Hot Text: Web Writing that Works (Voices That Matter) PDF ePub

    : Hot Text: Web Writing that Works ~ If you're interested in writing for the Web, "Hot Text: Web Writing That Works" by the prolific Jonathan and Lisa Price is the best and most comprehensive guide thus far published. The book is at its best in the section aptly titled "Write Like a Human Being." Here, you'll find dozens of practical tips and techniques for Web copywriting. From .

    Voices That Matter Series / Peachpit ~ Voices That Matter . New Riders Voices That Matter is a series of books and videos that capture and disseminate influential ideas and revolutionary techniques from leading-edge web designers, graphic designers, photographers, and business visionaries. Whether you're looking for foundational information or desire to move your skills beyond the .

    Microsoft Works 9.0: : Software ~ Microsoft Works 9.0 ist ein sehr gut funktionierendes Büro- und Schreibprogramm mit dem sich viele Aufgaben des täglichen Schriftkrams erledigen lassen. Interessant sind dabei das gebotene sogenannte Briefpapier und die Briefköpfe sowie die gebotenen Schriftsorten und die Möglichkeiten, diese zu abzuwandeln.

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