Beschreibung Art of the Job Search: A Step-By-Step Guide to Finding a Job You Love. PEOPLE WILL NOT READ YOUR RESUME. On average, people spend six seconds reviewing your resume. Six seconds! That’s all it takes to determine whether you get an interview—for the job that could change your life. DO YOU WANT TO FIND A JOB YOU LOVE? A role that you’re excited about? A place where you like the culture and the people? A position where you are doing what you love—and making an impact? THIS BOOK DEMYSTIFIES EACH STEP OF THE JOB SEARCH based on interview insights from over fifty people at top Fortune 100 companies, including leading technology companies, consulting firms, investment banks—and non-profits, hedge funds and startups. This book includes specific guidance on how to: • Figure out what you want to do next • Build the confidence to search • Create a resume that gets more interviews • Network authentically • Interview and get more offers • Negotiate and make $500k in your lifetime • Be successful in your new job You can get more interviews. You can get amazing offers. You can find a job you LOVE. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Heather Hund has worked at companies including Goldman Sachs, Boston Consulting Group and Gap Inc. and has over a decade of experience in strategy, management, operations, investing, marketing, branding—and building and hiring teams. She holds an MBA from Stanford and an MA in Art History from Oxford. Heather lives in San Francisco with her husband, son—and Golden Retriever, Ollie. OTHER TESTIMONIALS “This is spot-on advice for the job seeker, or anyone in business, for that matter!” — CENTER FOR PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT “We recommend Art of the Job Search as an incredibly valuable resource for finding work you love.” — ALEX TONELLI, CEO & FOUNDER OF VOCATE "The book is phenomenal. Helped me throughout the entire process -- and I ended up getting two great offers!" -- WILLIAM, LAW STUDENT “Thank you for this. I am 23 and will surely need this somewhere in the future!” — SARA, COLLEGE GRAD “Bottom line, this advice is spot on, and should seriously be taken into consideration and put into practice.” — BEN, A READER
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