Beschreibung Between Monopoly and Free Trade: The English East India Company, 1600-1757 (Princeton Analytical Sociology Series). The English East India Company was one of the most powerful and enduring organizations in history. Between Monopoly and Free Trade locates the source of that success in the innovative policy by which the Company's Court of Directors granted employees the right to pursue their own commercial interests while in the firmÂ’s employ. Exploring trade network dynamics, decision-making processes, and ports and organizational context, Emily Erikson demonstrates why the English East India Company was a dominant force in the expansion of trade between Europe and Asia, and she sheds light on the related problems of why England experienced rapid economic development and how the relationship between Europe and Asia shifted in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.Though the Company held a monopoly on English overseas trade to Asia, the Court of Directors extended the right to trade in Asia to their employees, creating an unusual situation in which employees worked both for themselves and for the Company as overseas merchants. Building on the organizational infrastructure of the Company and the sophisticated commercial institutions of the markets of the East, employees constructed a cohesive internal network of peer communications that directed English trading ships during their voyages. This network integrated Company operations, encouraged innovation, and increased the CompanyÂ’s flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness to local circumstance.Between Monopoly and Free Trade highlights the dynamic potential of social networks in the early modern era.
Between Monopoly and Free Trade: The English East India ~ Book Description: The English East India Company was one of the most powerful and enduring organizations in history.Between Monopoly and Free Tradelocates the source of that success in the innovative policy by which the Company's Court of Directors granted employees the right to pursue their own commercial interests while in the firm's employ.. Exploring trade network dynamics, decision-making .
Between Monopoly and Free Trade – The English East India ~ The English East India Company, 1600–1757 Series: Princeton Analytical Sociology Series, 1. Publisher: . Between Monopoly and Free Trade is a spectacular debut that will mark Erikson as a luminary of historical sociology and earn her many intellectual followers. . . . Though the sociologist familiar with, but not in thrall to, analytical sociology will be prone to approach the text with .
Between Monopoly and Free Trade: The English East India ~ Between Monopoly and Free Trade: The English East India Company, 1600-1757 (Princeton Analytical Sociology Series) / Erikson, Emily / ISBN: 9780691173795 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Between monopoly and free trade: The English East India ~ Request PDF / Between monopoly and free trade: The English East India Company, 1600-1757 / The English East India Company was one of the most powerful and enduring organizations in history.
Between Monopoly and Free Trade: The English East India ~ The English East India Company was one of the most powerful and enduring organizations in history. Between Monopoly and Free Trade locates the source of that success in the innovative policy by which the Company’s Court of Directors granted employees the right to pursue their own commercial interests while in the firm’s employ. Exploring trade network dynamics, decision-making processes .
[Book] Between Monopoly And Free Trade The English East ~ As this Between Monopoly And Free Trade The English East India Company 1600 1757 Princeton Analytical Sociology Series, it ends stirring living thing one of the favored ebook Between Monopoly And Free Trade The English East India Company 1600 1757 Princeton Analytical Sociology Series collections that we have. This is why you remain in the best .
Between Monopoly and Free Trade / Princeton University Press ~ The English East India Company was one of the most powerful and enduring organizations in history. Between Monopoly and Free Trade locates the source of that success in the innovative policy by which the Company’s Court of Directors granted employees the right to pursue their own commercial interests while in the firm’s employ. Exploring trade network dynamics, decision-making processes .
Contents : Between Monopoly and Free Trade The English ~ Citation Information. Between Monopoly and Free Trade. The English East India Company, 1600-1757. Princeton University Press. 2014. Pages: v–vi. ISBN (Online): 9781400850334
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Frontmatter : Between Monopoly and Free Trade The English ~ Erikson, Emily Between Monopoly and Free Trade The English East India Company, 1600–1757
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