Beschreibung Herbst, E: Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models (The Econometric and Tinbergen Institutes Lectures). Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models have become one of the workhorses of modern macroeconomics and are extensively used for academic research as well as forecasting and policy analysis at central banks. This book introduces readers to state-of-the-art computational techniques used in the Bayesian analysis of DSGE models. The book covers Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques for linearized DSGE models, novel sequential Monte Carlo methods that can be used for parameter inference, and the estimation of nonlinear DSGE models based on particle filter approximations of the likelihood function. The theoretical foundations of the algorithms are discussed in depth, and detailed empirical applications and numerical illustrations are provided. The book also gives invaluable advice on how to tailor these algorithms to specific applications and assess the accuracy and reliability of the computations.Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models is essential reading for graduate students, academic researchers, and practitioners at policy institutions.
Herbst, E: Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models (The ~ Herbst, E: Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models (The Econometric and Tinbergen Institutes Lectures) / Herbst, Edward P. / ISBN: 9780691161082 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models / Princeton University ~ Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models have become one of the workhorses of modern macroeconomics and are extensively used for academic research as well as forecasting and policy analysis at central banks. This book introduces readers to state-of-the-art computational techniques used in the Bayesian analysis of DSGE models. The book covers Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques for .
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Bayesian Estimation Of Dsge Models The Econometric And ~ Tinbergen Institutes Lectures herbst and schorfheide v5 pdf Bayesian Estimation of DSGE - This book is based on a series of lectures on Recent Theory and Applications of DSGE Models which were presented as the Tinbergen Institute Econometrics Lectures at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in June 2012 but the material has evolved significantly since then Bayesian Estimation of Linearized DSGE .
Bayesian Estimation of Dsge Models Complete - video ~ This book introduces readers to state-of-the-art computational techniques used in the Bayesian analysis of DSGE models. The book covers Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques for linearized DSGE models, novel sequential Monte Carlo methods that can be used for parameter inference, and the estimation of nonlinear DSGE models based on particle filter approximations of the likelihood function. The .
The ABCs of RBCs: An Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomic ~ Herbst, E: Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models (The Econometric and Tinbergen Institutes Lectures) Edward P. Herbst. 4,5 von 5 Sternen 11. Gebundene Ausgabe . 38,48 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3 bis 4 Tagen. Weiter. Den Verlag informieren! Ich möchte dieses Buch auf dem Kindle lesen. Sie haben keinen Kindle? Hier kaufen oder eine gratis Kindle Lese-App herunterladen. Produktinformation .
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