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    Laffont, J: The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-agent Model

    Beschreibung Laffont, J: The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-agent Model. Economics has much to do with incentives--not least, incentives to work hard, to produce quality products, to study, to invest, and to save. Although Adam Smith amply confirmed this more than two hundred years ago in his analysis of sharecropping contracts, only in recent decades has a theory begun to emerge to place the topic at the heart of economic thinking. In this book, Jean-Jacques Laffont and David Martimort present the most thorough yet accessible introduction to incentives theory to date. Central to this theory is a simple question as pivotal to modern-day management as it is to economics research: What makes people act in a particular way in an economic or business situation? In seeking an answer, the authors provide the methodological tools to design institutions that can ensure good incentives for economic agents. This book focuses on the principal-agent model, the "simple" situation where a principal, or company, delegates a task to a single agent through a contract--the essence of management and contract theory. How does the owner or manager of a firm align the objectives of its various members to maximize profits? Following a brief historical overview showing how the problem of incentives has come to the fore in the past two centuries, the authors devote the bulk of their work to exploring principal-agent models and various extensions thereof in light of three types of information problems: adverse selection, moral hazard, and non-verifiability. Offering an unprecedented look at a subject vital to industrial organization, labor economics, and behavioral economics, this book is set to become the definitive resource for students, researchers, and others who might find themselves pondering what contracts, and the incentives they embody, are really all about.

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    The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-Agent Model on JSTOR ~ In this book, Jean-Jacques Laffont and David Martimort present the most thorough yet accessible introduction to incentives theory to date. Central to this theory is a simple question as pivotal to modern-day management as it is to economics research: What makes people act in a particular way in an economic or business situation? In seeking an answer, the authors provide the methodological tools to design institutions that can ensure good incentives for economic agents.

    Laffont, J: The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-agent ~ In this book, Jean-Jacques Laffont and David Martimort present the most thorough yet accessible introduction to incentives theory to date. Central to this theory is a simple question as pivotal to modern-day management as it is to economics research: What makes people act in a particular way in an economic or business situation? In seeking an answer, the authors provide the methodological tools to design institutions that can ensure good incentives for economic agents.This book focuses on .

    Laffont, J.-J., and Martimort, D. : The Theory of ~ Laffont, J.-J., and Martimort, D. : The Theory of Incentives – The Principal – Agent Model. D. E. Campbell 1 Journal of Economics volume 80, pages 284 – 287 (2003)Cite this article. 673 Accesses. 2 Citations. Metrics details. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Access options Buy single article. Instant access to the full article PDF. US$ 39.95. Price .

    The Theory Of Incentives The Principal Agent Model ~ the theory of incentives the principal agent model Aug 17, . incentives the principal agent model jean jacques laffont david martimort february 6 2001 vorzubereitende buchkapitel 1 kapitel 2 anfang bis einschliesslich 273 shut down policy hinweis abschnitte 28 und 29 konnen ubersprungen werden 2 kapitel 2 210 the revelation principal bis einschliesslich 2165 labor contracts hinweis abschnitt .

    The Theory of Incentives : The Principal-Agent Model / J.J ~ The Theory of Incentives : The Principal-Agent Model / J.J. Laffont, D. Martimort. January 2001; Authors: Jean-Jacques Laffont. David Martimort. 34.13; Ecole d'Ă©conomie de Paris; Download full .

    The Theory of Incentives / Princeton University Press ~ In this book, Jean-Jacques Laffont and David Martimort present the most thorough yet accessible introduction to incentives theory to date. Central to this theory is a simple question as pivotal to modern-day management as it is to economics research: What makes people act in a particular way in an economic or business situation? In seeking an answer, the authors provide the methodological tools to design institutions that can ensure good incentives for economic agents.

    The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-Agent Model ~ In this book, Jean-Jacques Laffont and David Martimort present the most thorough yet accessible introduction to incentives theory to date. Central to this theory is a simple question as pivotal to modern-day management as it is to economics research: What makes people act in a particular way in an economic or business situation? In seeking an answer, the authors provide the methodological tools to design institutions that can ensure good incentives for economic agents.

    The Theory Of Incentives The Principal Agent Model ~ kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch laffont j j and martimort d the theory of incentives the principal agent model xii 421 pp princeton university press princeton nj 2002 softcover 2995 this superb book is the first of three proposed volumes on the theory of incentives by jean jacques laffont one of the fields chief architects and shareable link use the link .

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    Laffont, J: Theory of Incentives in Procurement and ~ Laffont, J: Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulati (Mit Press) / Laffont, Jean-Jacques, Tirole, Jean, Laffont, Colette / ISBN: 9780262121743 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Jean-Jacques Laffont - Wikipedia ~ Laffont made pioneering contributions in microeconomics, in particular, public economics, development economics, and the theory of imperfect information, incentives, and regulation. His 1993 book A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation , written with Jean Tirole , is a fundamental reference in the economics of the public sector and the theory of regulation.

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