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    Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit

    Beschreibung Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit. Once there was a golden age of American thrift, when citizens lived sensibly within their means and worked hard to stay out of debt. The growing availability of credit in this century, however, has brought those days to an end--undermining traditional moral virtues such as prudence, diligence, and the delay of gratification while encouraging reckless consumerism. Or so we commonly believe. In this engaging and thought-provoking book, Lendol Calder shows that this conception of the past is in fact a myth.Calder presents the first book-length social and cultural history of the rise of consumer credit in America. He focuses on the years between 1890 and 1940, when the legal, institutional, and moral bases of today's consumer credit were established, and in an epilogue takes the story up to the present. He draws on a wide variety of sources--including personal diaries and letters, government and business records, newspapers, advertisements, movies, and the words of such figures as Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain, and P. T. Barnum--to show that debt has always been with us. He vigorously challenges the idea that consumer credit has eroded traditional values. Instead, he argues, monthly payments have imposed strict, externally reinforced disciplines on consumers, making the culture of consumption less a playground for hedonists than an extension of what Max Weber called the "iron cage" of disciplined rationality and hard work.Throughout, Calder keeps in clear view the human face of credit relations. He re-creates the Dickensian world of nineteenth-century pawnbrokers, takes us into the dingy backstairs offices of loan sharks, into small-town shops and New York department stores, and explains who resorted to which types of credit and why. He also traces the evolving moral status of consumer credit, showing how it changed from a widespread but morally dubious practice into an almost universal and generally accepted practice by World War II. Combining clear, rigorous arguments with a colorful, narrative style, Financing the American Dream will attract a wide range of academic and general readers and change how we understand one of the most important and overlooked aspects of American social and economic life.

    Buch Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit PDF ePub

    Financing the American Dream : Lendol Calder : Free ~ Financing the American Dream by Lendol Calder. Publication date 1999-02-22 Topics Economics - General, History - General History, Consumption (Economics), Consumer Economics (General), United States - 20th Century, Business & Economics, History, Business/Economics, Finance, Economic History, 20th century, Credit & credit institutions, Cultural studies, Social history, USA, c 1800 to c 1900 .

    Financing the American Dream : A Cultural History of ~ Financing the American Dream is an institutional history of the consumer credit industry, a social history of consumers, and a cultural history of debt. It not only suggests how Americans learned to pay for goods in creative ways but explains the process by which consumer credit came to receive widespread moral sanction. . . . Calder has given us an important contribution to American social .

    Financing the American dream : a cultural history of ~ Financing the American dream : a cultural history of consumer credit / Lendol Calder. Author Calder, Lendol Glen Format Book; Language English; Published/ Created Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1999. Description xv, 377 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Details Subject(s) Consumer credit — United States — History; Consumption (Economics) — United States — History; Consumers — United .

    Project MUSE - Financing the American Dream ~ Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit; Lendol Calder 2009; Book; Published by: Princeton University Press; View View Citation; contents. summary. Once there was a golden age of American thrift, when citizens lived sensibly within their means and worked hard to stay out of debt. The growing availability of credit in this century, however, has brought those days to .

    : Customer reviews: Financing the American Dream ~ Lendol Calder's Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit is a fascinating chronicle of how this hostility was overcome. His analysis covering the late-nineteenth century to the Great Depression provides insight into a consumer culture that has led us to the present plight of an economy built upon and sustained by debt.

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