Beschreibung Streetwise: The Best of The Journal of Portfolio Management. Streetwise brings together classic articles from the publication that helped revolutionize the way Wall Street does business. During the recession of the early 1970s, investment professionals turned to the theories of a small band of mathematical economists, whose ideas on such topics as portfolio development and risk management eventually led to the reform and maintenance of entire economies. This was the first time economists and practitioners had joined forces to such remarkable effect. Economist and money manager Peter Bernstein sought to encourage this exchange when, in 1974, he founded The Journal of Portfolio Management (JPM). For this present volume, Bernstein and JPM editor Frank Fabozzi have selected forty-one of the most influential articles to appear in the journal over the past twenty-five years, some of them written by Nobel laureates and all aimed at stimulating dialogue between academic economists wishing to understand the real-world problems of finance and investment professionals wanting to bring the most advanced theoretical work to bear on commerce.Financial economics is a youthful but vital field. Streetwise not only reflects its fascinating history but through articles on topics ranging from stock prices and risk management to bonds and real estate also offers relevant insights for today.The contributors are: R. Akhoury, R. D. Arnott, G. L. Bergstrom, G. O. Bierwag, F. Black, R. Bookstaber, K. Cholerton, R. Clarke, D. M. Cutler, C. P. Dialynas, P. O. Dietz, D. H. Edington, M. W. Einhorn, J. Evnine, R. Ferguson, P. M. Firstenberg, H. R. Fogler, F. Garrone, R. Grieves, R. C. Grinold, D. J. Hardy, D. P. Jacob, B. I. Jacobs, R. H. Jeffrey, R. N. Kahn, G. G. Kaufman, M. Kritzman, R. Lanstein, C. M. Latta, M. L. Leibowitz, K. N. Levy, R. Lochoff, R. W. McEnally, K. R. Meyer, E. M. Miller, A. F. Perold, P. Pieraerts, J. M. Poterba, K. Reid, R. R. Reitano, R. Roll, B. Rosenberg, S. A. Ross, M. Rubinstein, A. Rudd, P. A. Samuelson, R. Schweitzer, C. Seix, W. F. Sharpe, B. Solnik, L. H. Summers, A. L. Toevs, J. L. Treynor, A. Weinberger, and R. C. Zisler.
Streetwise: The Best of the Journal of Portfolio ~ Streetwise brings together classic articles from the publication that helped revolutionize the way Wall Street does business. During the recession of the early 1970s, investment professionals turned to the theories of a small band of mathematical economists, whose ideas on such topics as portfolio development and risk management eventually led to the reform and maintenance of entire economies.
Streetwise: The Best of the Journal of Portfolio Management ~ Streetwise brings together classic articles from the publication that helped revolutionize the way Wall Street does business. During the recession of the early 1970s, investment professionals turned to the theories of a small band of mathematical economists, whose ideas on such topics as portfolio development and risk management eventually led to the reform and maintenance
[PDF] Streetwise: The Best of The Journal of Portfolio ~ Read here [PDF] Streetwise: The Best of The Journal of Portfolio Management Download Full Ebook
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The Journal of Portfolio Management ~ The Journal of Portfolio Management (JPM) is a definitive source of thought-leading analyses and practical techniques that many institutional investors turn to for insight on the financial markets.The JPM offers cutting-edge research on all major topics in investments, including asset allocation, performance measurement, market trends, portfolio optimization, and risk management.
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