Beschreibung Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and Investors. Economist, consultant, and Wall Street Journal contributor Alfred Rappaport provides managers and investors with the practical tools and tests for a corporate strategy that creates shareholder value.The ultimate test of corporate strategy, the only reliable measure, is whether it creates economic value for shareholders. After a decade of downsizings frequently blamed on shareholder value decision making, this book presents a new and indepth assessment of the rationale for shareholder value. Further, Rappaport presents provocative new insights on shareholder value applications to: (1) business planning, (2) performance evaluation, (3) executive compensation, (4) mergers and acquisitions, (5) interpreting stock market signals, and (6) organizational implementation. Readers will be particularly interested in Rappaport's answers to three management performance evaluation questions: (1) What is the most appropriate measure of performance? (2) What is the most appropriate target level of performance? and (3) How should rewards be linked to performance? The recent acquisition of Duracell International by Gillette is analyzed in detail, enabling the reader to understand the critical information needed when assessing the risks and rewards of a merger from both sides of the negotiating table. The shareholder value approach presented here has been widely embraced by publicly traded as well as privately held companies worldwide. Brilliant and incisive, this is the one book that should be required reading for managers and investors who want to stay on the cutting edge of success in a highly competitive global economy.
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Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide For Managers And ~ Economist, consultant, and Wall Street Journal contributor Alfred Rappaport provides managers and investors with the practical tools and tests for a corporate strategy that creates shareholder value.The ultimate test of corporate strategy, the only reliable measure, is whether it creates economic value for shareholders. After a decade of downsizings frequently blamed on shareholder value .
Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and ~ Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and Investors / Rappaport, Alfred / ISBN: 9780684844107 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and ~ "Creating Shareholder Value" was written with the intent to explain the shareholder value approach to management in detail, it goes above and beyond covering accounting, marketing, business communication (to investors, creditors, marketplace), working capital management, investment and re-investment in business operations, valuation, corporate finance, capital allocation and all aspects of .
Creating shareholder value : a guide for managers and ~ Creating shareholder value : a guide for managers and investors Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item <description> tags) Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! No_Favorite. share. flag. Flag this item for. Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. Creating shareholder value : a guide .
[Pub.68] Download Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for ~ Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and Investors PDF by Alfred Rappaport : Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and Investors ISBN : #0684844109 / Date : 1997-12-01 Description : PDF-00332 / In this substantially revised and updated edition of his 1986 business classic, Creating Shareholder Value, Alfred Rappaport provides managers and investors with the practical .
[PDF Download] Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for ~ [PDF Download] Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and Investors [Read] Full Ebook
Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide For Managers And ~ "Creating Shareholder Value" was written with the intent to explain the shareholder value approach to management in detail, it goes above and beyond covering accounting, marketing, business communication (to investors, creditors, marketplace), working capital management, investment and re-investment in business operations, valuation, corporate finance, capital allocation and all aspects of .
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Alfred Rappaport - Creating Shareholder Value ~ Alfred Rappaport is one of the founders of the creating shareholder value mindset, which gained importance in the '80s and still growing and increasingly accepted worldwide. Rappaport also Co-founded L.E.K. Consulting. According to Rappaport given that investors increasingly value bonds by discounting future cash flows, it stands to reason that they value stocks in the same fashion.
: Customer reviews: Creating Shareholder Value ~ "Creating Shareholder Value" was written with the intent to explain the shareholder value approach to management in detail, it goes above and beyond covering accounting, marketing, business communication (to investors, creditors, marketplace), working capital management, investment and re-investment in business operations, valuation, corporate finance, capital allocation and all aspects of .
Shareholder Value: Ein Handbuch für Manager und Investoren ~ Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and Investors Alfred Rappaport. 4,2 von 5 Sternen 18. Gebundene Ausgabe. 31,25 € Strategische Unternehmensführung zwischen Shareholder-Value und Stakeholder-Value Hanno Poeschl. Taschenbuch. 69,99 € Shareholder Value. Ein Handbuch für Manager und Investoren. by Alfred Rappaport(1999-01-01) Unbekannter Einband. 154,05 € Gewöhnlich .
Shareholder Value Definition ~ Shareholder value is what is delivered to equity owners of a corporation because of management's ability to increase earnings, dividends, and share prices.
Idea - Value creation / The Economist ~ Value creation is a corporation's raison d'être, the ultimate measure by which it is judged.Debate has focused on what is the most appropriate type of value for the corporation to create. Is it: .
Who is Responsible for Shareholders Interests? ~ The investor is ultimately responsible for reviewing corporate policy and governance as well as for the compensation of managers. Investors who feel that a company does not show an adequate level .
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