Beschreibung River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom. Looks at the history of the Mississippi River Valley in the nineteenth century and the economy that developed there, powered by steam engines and slave labor.
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Walter JOHNSON, River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire ~ Walter JOHNSON, River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom, 2013
River of Dark Dreams â Walter Johnson / Harvard University ~ River of Dark Dreams places the Cotton Kingdom at the center of worldwide webs of exchange and exploitation that extended across oceans and drove an insatiable hunger for new lands. This bold reaccounting dramatically alters our understanding of American slavery and its role in U.S. expansionism, global capitalism, and the upcoming Civil War.
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River of Dark Dreams : Slavery and Empire in the Cotton ~ River of Dark Dreams : Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom, Paperback by Johnson, Walter, ISBN 0674975383, ISBN-13 9780674975385, Brand New, Free shipping in the US Looks at the history of the Mississippi River Valley in the nineteenth century and the economy that developed there, powered by steam engines and slave labor.
"Review of "River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in ~ Review of "River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom" Authors. Bryan Jack, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Document Type. Article. Recommended Citation. Jack, Bryan (2014) "Review of "River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom"," The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies: Vol. 75 : No. 1 , Article 3. Available at: .
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The Enslaved, the Worker, and Du Boisâs Black ~ Through a reconsideration of his classic text Black Reconstruction in America, this article offers an answer to the paradox: a profoundly antisocial condition, racial slavery lies beyond the bounds of the social, beyond sociologyâs self-defined limits. Consequently, even when actually dealing with racial slavery, social theoriesâeven radical social theories, such as Du Boisâs Marxism .
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Walter Johnson - Harvard University ~ Curriculum Vitae Walter Johnson grew up in Columbia, Missouri, and is a member of the Rock Bridge High School Hall of Fame (2006). His prize-winning books, Soul by Soul: Life Inside in the Antebellum Slave Market (1999) and River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Mississippi Valley's Cotton Kingdom (2013), were published by Harvard University Press.
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Walter Johnson (historian) - Wikipedia ~ River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom was published by Harvard University Press in 2013. In it, Johnson seeks to empirically substantiate some of the conceptual arguments made in his articles from the preceding decade, as well as to resituate the historiography of nineteenth-century slavery in the history of the global economy of the nineteenth century. Where much of .
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