Beschreibung The Young Professional's Survival Guide: From Cab Fares to Moral Snares. Imagine yourself in your new job, doing your best to make a good impressionÂand your boss asks you to do something that doesnÂt feel right, like fudge a sales report, or lie to a customer. You have no idea how to handle the situation, and your boss is hovering. When youÂre caught off guard, under pressure from someone more powerful, itÂs easy to make a mistake. And having made one, itÂs easier to rationalize the next one.The Young ProfessionalÂs Survival Guide shows how to avoid these traps in the first place, and how to work through them if you canÂt avoid them. Many of the problems that arise in the workplace are predictable. C. K. Gunsalus, a nationally recognized expert on professional ethics, uses short, pungent real-world examples to help people new to the work world recognize the situations that can lead to career-damaging misstepsÂand prevent them. Gunsalus offers questions to ask yourself (and others) to help you recognize trouble and temptation, sample scripts to use to avoid being pressured into doing something youÂll regret, and guidance in handling disputes fairly and diplomatically. Most of all, she emphasizes, choose your mentors for their characters as well as their titles and talents.You canÂt control the people around you, but you can control what you do. Reliance on a few key habits and a professional persona, Gunsalus shows, can help you advance with class, even in what looks like a Âcasual workplace.
The Young Professionalâs Survival Guide: From Cab Fares to ~ The Young Professionalâs Survival Guide shows how to avoid these traps in the first place, and how to work through them if you canât avoid them. Many of the problems that arise in the workplace are predictable. C. K. Gunsalus, a nationally recognized expert on professional ethics, uses short, pungent real-world examples to help people new to the work world recognize the situations that can .
Book Review: The Young Professional's Survival Guide: From ~ Name of the book: The Young Professional's Survival Guide: From Cab Fares to Moral Snares Author: CK Gunsalus Publisher: Harvard University Press Pages: 224 There are many potential traps for a newly minted professional, the biggest one being asked to do something by your boss that seems to be on shaky moral ground.
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C.K. Gunsalus â NCPRE ~ She has written a book on survival skills for academic leaders published by the Harvard University Press entitled The College Administratorâs Survival Guide (2006) and one about preventing and responding to workplace challenges entitled The Young Professionalâs Survival Guide: From Cab Fares to Moral Snares (Harvard Press, 2012).
C. K. Gunsalus - Wikipedia ~ The Young Professional's Survival Guide: From Cab Fares to Moral Snares. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2012 ISBN 9780674049444; Gunsalus, C. Kristina, et al. "The Illinois White Paper Improving the System for Protecting Human Subjects: Counteracting IRB "Mission Creep"." Qualitative Inquiry 13.5 (2007): 617-649.
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