Beschreibung The Billion-Dollar Molecule: The Quest for the Perfect Drug (Touchstone Book). Join journalist Barry Werth as he pulls back the curtain on Vertex, a start-up pharmaceutical company, and witness firsthand the intense drama being played out in the pioneering and hugely profitable field of drug research. Founded by Joshua Boger, a dynamic Harvard- and Merck-trained scientific whiz kid, Vertex is dedicated to designing -- atom by atom -- both a new life-saving immunosuppressant drug, and a drug to combat the virus that causes AIDS. You will be hooked from start to finish, as you go from the labs, where obsessive, fiercely competitive scientists struggle for a breakthrough, to Wall Street, where the wheeling and dealing takes on a life of its own, as Boger courts investors and finally decides to take Vertex public. Here is a fascinating no-holds-barred account of the business of science, which includes an updated epilogue about the most recent developments in the quest for a drug to cure AIDS.
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The Billion Dollar Molecule: One Company's Quest for the ~ Buy The Billion Dollar Molecule: One Company's Quest for the Perfect Drug (A Touchstone Book) Rev Ed by Werth, Barry (ISBN: 9780671510572) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
The Billion Dollar Molecule: One Company's Quest for the ~ Chronicling the rise of Vertex, one of the first companies to dabble in rational drug design, the Billion Dollar Molecule follows the brilliant Josh Boger as he attempts to become the next Merck. The scope of scientific context and the way in which the author weaves together various players is both witty and insightful. However I couldn't help feeling that the author's journalistic prowess .
The Billion-Dollar Molecule: The Quest for the Perfect Drug ~ Good writing transcends genre, a fact that Barry Werth highlights in The Billion Dollar Molecule. What first began as a research assignment in preparing for my own manuscript, this book knocked down my expectations of a scientific tome written in and about the 1990s and replaced that notion with a powerfully written narrative about one man's goal to succeed.
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The Billion Dollar Molecule: One Company’s Quest for the ~ The Billion Dollar Molecule: One Company’s Quest for the Perfect Drug Barry Werth An inside account of the start-up of a biotechnology company describes its struggle to bring a lifesaving drug to market, discussing the risky financing and profiling the venture capitalists involved.
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The Billion-Dollar Molecule: The Quest for the Perfect Drug ~ The Billion-Dollar Molecule: The Quest for the Perfect Drug 464. by Barry Werth / . which includes an updated epilogue about the most recent developments in the quest for a drug to cure AIDS. Product Details; About the Author; Product Details . ISBN-13: 9780671510572: Publisher: Simon & Schuster: Publication date: 03/01/1995: Series: Touchstone Book: Edition description: REV: Pages: 464 .
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