Beschreibung Leadership Bones: 5 Lessons to Lead Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime. If you were suddenly promoted to leadership without warning and had one hour to prepare, what would you do? Where would you look for advice? That is the formidable task of this book. A quick start resource, "Leadership Bones" will skill and scale you up and prepare you for exemplary service as a leader. The five leadership bones represent the foundation and irreducible minimum on which all good leadership is built. No leader ever graduates from living the bones, and no leader succeeds who ignores them.In this engaging narrative, you will meet Izzy Kroll, a brilliant eccentric who teaches high school in a tough section of Chicago. The story unfolds as Izzy mentors his former student, Marcus, in the bones, or first lessons, of leadership, helping him navigate through the real world of egos, agendas, and ethical dilemmas. A call to action for all leaders, this book is a quick and powerful read that will motivate you to reflect on your intent and influence as a leader. The book also includes a self-assessment based on the five bones:1. Fill Your Pack.2. Sign Your Name.3. Share the Stage.4. Take the Oath.5. Pour Your Cup."The book stopped me in my tracks. In a word, it's brilliant." Britt Berrett, CEO, Medical City Dallas Hospital."An instant classic." Glenda Shelby, VP of Diversity, Accor Hospitality."Required reading for anyone interested in leadership." LaVell Edwards, Hall of Fame Football Coach."Beautifully succinct and packs a life-changing punch." Sharlene Hawkes, President, RMS Productions, Miss America 1985."A high impact experience. Simple, elegant, and profound." Christopher Germann, Vice President, Gartner, Inc."Masterfully defines the fundamentals of leadership." James Larson, Regional Director, The Boeing Company."A wake up call for many leaders and a handbook for those of us preparing to move into positions of leadership." Benjamin Bloomfield, Vice President, Wells Fargo Securities."Dr. Clark does a brilliant job of bringing us back to basics. This book will be required reading in my company." Wesley Bull, President, Sentinel Training & Logistics, LLC.
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