Beschreibung The Double X Economy: The Epic Potential of Empowering Women. *SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2020 ROYAL SOCIETY INISGHT INVESTMENT SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE* *LONGLISTED FOR THE 2020 FINANCIAL TIMES AND MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD* 'A compelling and actionable case for unleashing women's economic power' Melinda Gates *** Modern slavery is 71% female. 80% of the earth's farmable surface is owned by men. UK women lose GBP140 billion a year in wages to the gender pay gap - the equivalent of GBP10,000 each. WHEN WE FAIL WOMEN, WE ALL LOSE Allowing women farmers the same resources as men would reduce the number of chronically hungry by up to 150 million. Giving female entrepreneurs in Britain equal access to capital would add GBP250 billion to the economy. The global economy's wealth would be GBP160 trillion higher if the gender pay gap were closed. WHEN WE EMPOWER WOMEN, WE ALL WIN IT'S TIME TO UNLOCK THE POWER OF THE DOUBLE X ECONOMY *** The Double X Economy describes both the shocking gender inequalities built into the global economy, and the collective power of women that could be harnessed to turn these around and combat humankind's most pressing problems. Promoting women's economic empowerment will dramatically boost social, financial and environmental conditions for everybody around the world. Provocative, accessible and game-changing, The Double X Economy is at once an expert analysis and an urgent call to action. ARE YOU READY?
The Double X Economy: The Epic Potential of Women's ~ In The Double X Economy, Scott argues on the strength of hard data and on-the-ground experience that removing those barriers to women’s success is a win for everyone, regardless of gender. Scott opens our eyes to the myriad economic injustices that constrain women throughout the world: fathers buying and selling daughters against their will; husbands burning brides whose dowries have been .
The Double X Economy - Professor Linda Scott ~ The Double X Economy. The Epic Potential of Empowering Women. Professor Linda Scott . AUD $39.99. Download cover. Availability: Not available to order from this website, please try another retailer . An urgent analysis of global gender inequality and a passionately argued case for change by a pioneer in the movement for women's economic empowerment. An urgent analysis of global gender .
BBC Radio 4 - BBC Inside Science, Test and trace - how the ~ Her book, The ‘Double X Economy - The Epic Potential of Empowering Women ’ analyses the economics of gender inequality and the hidden economics which is foundational to the more recognised and.
Scientist's guide to living wins 2020 Royal Society Book ~ Pang’s book was chosen from a shortlist of five other titles, which included The Double X Economy: The Epic Power of Empowering Women by Oxford scholar Linda Scott and The Great Pretender: The Undercover Mission That Changed Our Understanding of Madness by journalist Susannah Cahalan.. Also on the shortlist were two previous winners; the travel writer Bill Bryson OBE for his book The Body: A .
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