Beschreibung City of Fortune: How Venice Won and Lost a Naval Empire. A magisterial work of gripping history, City of Fortune tells the story of the Venetian ascent from lagoon dwellers to the greatest power in the Mediterranean - an epic five hundred year voyage that encompassed crusade and trade, plague, sea battles and colonial adventure. In Venice, the path to empire unfolded in a series of extraordinary contests - the sacking of Constantinople in 1204, the fight to the finish with Genoa and a desperate defence against the Turks. Under the lion banner of St Mark, she created an empire of ports and naval bases which funnelled the goods of the world through its wharfs. In the process the city became the richest place on earth - a brilliant mosaic fashioned from what it bought, traded, borrowed and stole. Based on first hand accounts of trade and warfare, seafaring and piracy and the places where Venetians sailed and died, City of Fortune is narrative history at its finest. Beginning on Ascension Day in the year 1000 and ending with an explosion off the coast of Greece - and the calamitous news that the Portuguese had pioneered a sea route to India - it will fascinate anyone who loves Venice and the Mediterranean world.
City of Fortune : How Venice Won and Lost a Naval Empire ~ Download City of Fortune : How Venice Won and Lost a Naval Empire – Roger Crowley. ebook. A magisterial work of gripping history, City of Fortune tells the story of the Venetian ascent from lagoon dwellers to the greatest power in the Mediterranean – an epic five hundred year voyage that encompassed crusade and trade, plague, sea battles and colonial adventure. In Venice, the path to .
City of Fortune: How Venice Won and Lost a Naval Empire ~ Buy City of Fortune: How Venice Won and Lost a Naval Empire Main by Roger Crowley (ISBN: 8601300337494) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled the Seas: Crowley, Roger ~ However, I understand the book is mainly focus on How Venice won and lost its empire but I would have liked to see a bit more on the life in Venice and the city itself. Because Venice is such a touristic city nowadays, its likely to be read by weekenders looking for a bit of history to read on the city. So a bit more focus on the city itself and not its empire could be welcome by potential buyers.
: Customer reviews: City of Fortune: How Venice ~ Venice was a city state operated like a closely held merchandising company. Emphasis was on earning the next ducat. They had a business plan based on dominating the trade from Asia in spices, silk, and other valuable commodities. Like the modern city state of Singapore, they had few resources and relied on imports and trade, with some specialized manufacturing including ship building where .
: City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled the Seas ~ However, I understand the book is mainly focus on How Venice won and lost its empire but I would have liked to see a bit more on the life in Venice and the city itself. Because Venice is such a touristic city nowadays, its likely to be read by weekenders looking for a bit of history to read on the city. So a bit more focus on the city itself and not its empire could be welcome by potential buyers.
City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled the Seas - Roger Crowley ~ Buy eBook - $9.99. Get this book in print. Random House LLC; ; Barnes&Noble - $9.99; Books-A-Million ; IndieBound; Find in a library; All sellers » City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled the Seas. Roger Crowley. Random House Publishing Group, Jan 24, 2012 - History - 464 pages. 5 Reviews “The rise and fall of Venice’s empire is an irresistible story and [Roger] Crowley, with his .
Benedetto Pesaro - Wikipedia ~ City of Fortune: How Venice Won and Lost a Naval Empire. Faber & Faber. Bembo, Pietro. History of Venice, Books 5–8. Translated by Robert W. Ulery Jr. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2008. External links. Monument to Benedetto Pesaro, by the Bregno brothers
Stato da MÃ r - Wikipedia ~ City of Fortune - How Venice Won and lost a Naval Empire. London: Faber and Faber. ISBN 978-0-571-24594-9. Da Mosto, Andrea (1937). L'Archivio di Stato di Venezia. Rome: Biblioteca d'Arte editrice. Gullino, Giuseppe (1996). "Le frontiere navali". In Alberto Tenenti; Ugo Tucci (eds.). Storia di Venezia.
Andrea Contarini - Wikipedia ~ Andrea Contarini was doge of Venice from 1367 to 1382. He served as doge during the War of Chioggia, which was fought between the Venetian Republic and the Republic of Genoa.. Contarini was noted for his personal bravery during the war. He also led a fundraising effort in which he personally liquidated his fortune for the country. Though in his seventies, he took personal command of the .
A Brief History of Venice, Italy - ThoughtCo ~ When the pope placed Venice under a papal interdict in 1606 for, amongst other things, trying priests in a secular court, Venice won a victory for secular power by forcing him to back down. But across the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Venice declined, as other powers secured Atlantic and African trade routes, maritime powers like Britain and the Dutch. Venice’s seaborne empire was lost.
Vettor Pisani - Wikipedia ~ Vettor Pisani (1324 – 13 August 1380) was a Venetian admiral. He was in command of the Venetian fleet in 1378 during the war against the Genoese, whom he defeated off Capo d'Anzio; subsequently he recaptured Cattaro, Sebenico and Arbe, which had been seized by the Hungarians, the allies of the Genoese.But the Genoese fleet completely defeated Pisani at Pola in May 1379, and on his return to .
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: Genoa, 'La Superba': The Rise and Fall of a ~ This book's an invitation to go there straight away.' -- Roger Crowley, author of City of Fortune: How Venice Won and Lost a Naval Empire. "A journalist who lived in the city for some years, Walton illuminates the history with compelling episodes and human drama." --Times Literary Supplement "This book is an unashamed celebration of Genoa .
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