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    Makers and Takers: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street

    Beschreibung Makers and Takers: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street. Is Wall Street bad for Main Street America?"A well-told exploration of why our current economy is leaving too many behind." —The New York Times In looking at the forces that shaped the 2016 presidential election, one thing is clear: much of the population believes that our economic system is rigged to enrich the privileged elites at the expense of hard-working Americans. This is a belief held equally on both sides of political spectrum, and it seems only to be gaining momentum.  A key reason, says Financial Times columnist Rana Foroohar, is the fact that Wall Street is no longer supporting Main Street businesses that create the jobs for the middle and working class. She draws on in-depth reporting and interviews at the highest rungs of business and government to show how the “financialization of America”—the phenomenon by which finance and its way of thinking have come to dominate every corner of business—is threatening the American Dream.   Now updated with new material explaining how our corrupted financial sys­tem propelled Donald Trump to power, Makers and Takers explores the confluence of forces that has led American businesses to favor balance-sheet engineering over the actual kind, greed over growth, and short-term profits over putting people to work. From the cozy relationship between Wall Street and Washington, to a tax code designed to benefit wealthy individuals and corporations, to forty years of bad policy decisions, she shows why so many Americans have lost trust in the sys­tem, and why it matters urgently to us all.   Through colorful stories of both “Takers,” those stifling job creation while lining their own pockets, and “Makers,” businesses serving the real economy, Foroohar shows how we can reverse these trends for a better path forward.

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    Makers and Takers: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street ~ View eBook. Get this book in print. Random House LLC; ; Barnes&Noble - $18.00; Books-A-Million ; IndieBound; Find in a library; All sellers » Makers and Takers: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street. Rana Foroohar. Crown Publishing Group, 2017 - Business enterprises - 400 pages. 12 Reviews. Eight years on from the biggest market meltdown since the Great Depression, the key .

    Makers and Takers: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street ~ A key reason, says Financial Times columnist Rana Foroohar, is the fact that Wall Street is no longer supporting Main Street businesses that create the jobs for the middle and working class. She draws on in-depth reporting and interviews at the highest rungs of business and government to show how the “financialization of America”—the phenomenon by which finance and its way of thinking .

    Makers and Takers: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street ~ Is Wall Street bad for Main Street America?"A well-told exploration of why our current economy is leaving too many behind." —The New York Times In looking at the forces that shaped the 2016 presidential election, one thing is clear: much of the population believes that our economic system is rigged to enrich the privileged elites at the expense of hard-working Americans.

    Makers and Takers : How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street ~ Makers and Takers / Is Wall Street bad for Main Street America? "A well-told exploration of why our current economy is leaving too many behind." --The New York Times In looking at the forces that shaped the 2016 presidential election, one thing is clear: much of the population believes that our economic system is rigged to enrich the privileged elites at the expense of hard-working Americans.

    Makers and Takers by Rana Foroohar: 9780553447255 ~ About Makers and Takers. Is Wall Street bad for Main Street America? “A well-told exploration of why our current economy is leaving too many behind.” —The New York Times In looking at the forces that shaped the 2016 presidential election, one thing is clear: much of the population believes that our economic system is rigged to enrich the privileged elites at the expense of hard-working .

    Makers and Takers / Download Books PDF/ePub and Read Online ~ Download Makers and Takers Ebook PDF. Makers and Takers. How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street by Rana Foroohar. Publisher : Broadway Business; Release : 2017; Pages : 400; ISBN : 0553447254; Language : En, Es, Fr & De ; DOWNLOAD READ ONLINE "Award-winning business journalist Rana Foroohar shows how the shortsighted and misguided financial practices that nearly toppled the global economy in .

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    Makers And Takers How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street ~ adapted from makers takers how wall street destroyed main street her book makers and takers the rise of finance and the fall of american business crown about why the capital markets no longer support business was shortlisted for the financial times mckinsey book of the year award in 2016 a key reason says financial times columnist rana foroohar is the fact that wall street is no longer .

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    Makers And Takers - eBook - WOOK ~ Makers And Takers (eBook) How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street de Rana Foroohar . idioma: InglĂȘs. Edição: CROWN, maio de 2016 ‧ ISBN: 9780553447248 ‧ ver detalhes do produto. seja o primeiro a comentar este produto comentar. 15,20€ i. 15,20€ i. Comprar Checkout. Disponibilidade Imediata . Ebook para ADE Sobre o livro. Sobre o Livro. Sobre o Livro. Sinopse . Is Wall Street bad for .

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