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    The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy)

    Beschreibung The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy). This book is the most systematic, comprehensive and philosophically sophisticated discussion of police ethics yet published. It offers an in-depth analysis of the ethical values that police, as servants of the community, should uphold as they go about their task. The book considers the foundations and purpose of police authority in broad terms but also tackles specific problems such as accountability, the use of force, deceptive stratagems used to gain information or trap the criminally intentioned, corruption, and the tension between personal values and communal concerns. Offering the fullest, most rigorous and up-to-date treatment of police ethics currently available, this book will be a perfect textbook in courses on applied ethics in philosophy departments or police and criminal justice ethics in departments of criminology and law schools.

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    The Ethics of Policing by John Kleinig - Cambridge Core ~ Cambridge Core - Criminology - The Ethics of Policing - by John Kleinig. . This book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by CrossRef. Souryal, Sam S. and McKay, Brian W. 1996. Personal loyalty to superiors in public service. Criminal Justice Ethics, Vol. 15, Issue. 2, p. 44. CrossRef; Google Scholar; Reiman, Jeffrey 1997. Review essay .

    Get Full The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in ~ Get Full The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) P-DF Reading

    The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy ~ "The book is very tightly argued and rich in provocative and imaginative arguments." Teaching Philosophy "Kleinig's new survey of the ethics of policing is an excellent introduction to the subject. it provides a very useful survey of a variety of topics--presenting careful analyses, considering (but not getting booged down in) recent contributions of other scholars, and offering sensible .

    The Ethics of Policing Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and ~ "The book is very tightly argued and rich in provocative and imaginative arguments." Teaching Philosophy "Kleinig's new survey of the ethics of policing is an excellent introduction to the subject. it provides a very useful survey of a variety of topics--presenting careful analyses, considering (but not getting booged down in) recent contributions of other scholars, and offering sensible .

    9780521484336: The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies ~ AbeBooks: The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) (9780521484336) by Kleinig and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.

    The Ethics of Policing - John Kleinig, Professor of ~ This book is the most systematic, comprehensive and philosophically sophisticated discussion of police ethics yet published. It offers an in-depth analysis of the ethical values that police, as servants of the community, should uphold as they go about their task. The book considers the foundations and purpose of police authority in broad terms but also tackles specific problems such as .

    The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy ~ The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) by Kleinig. Cambridge University Press. Paperback. GOOD. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy, that’ll have the markings and stickers associated from the library.

    The Ethics of Policing - John Kleinig, Professor of ~ This book is the most systematic, comprehensive and philosophically sophisticated discussion of police ethics yet published. It offers an in-depth analysis of the ethical values that police, as servants of the community, should uphold as they go about their task. The book considers the foundations and purpose of police authority in broad terms but also tackles specific problems such as .

    The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy ~ Buy The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) by John Kleinig (ISBN: 9780521482066) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy ~ The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) by John Kleinig (1996-02-23) [John Kleinig] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) by John Kleinig (1996-02-23)

    John Kleinig, The Ethics of Policing - PhilPapers ~ [Book Review] the Ethics of Policing. . Ethics in Policing: Performance and the Personalization of Accountability in British Policing and Criminal Justice. Peter Neyroud - 2006 - Legal Ethics 9 (1):16. Police Ethics. Seumas Miller (ed.) - 1997 - Allen & Unwin. Review of John Kleinig, The Ethics of Policing. [REVIEW] Michael Clark - 2000 - Mind 109. Review Essay / the Scope and Limits of .

    The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy ~ Buy The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) by John Kleinig(1996-02-23) by John Kleinig (ISBN: ) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy ~ About Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy. Visit; The purpose of this series is to publish the most innovative and up-to-date research into the values and concepts that underlie major aspects of public policy. Hitherto most research in this field has been empirical. This series is primarily conceptual and normative: that is to say it investigates the structure of arguments, and .

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    Discretion, ‘Respectability’ and Institutional Police ~ KLEINIG, J. (1996) The Ethics of Policing: Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Google Scholar / Crossref

    The Ethics of Policing : John Kleinig : 9780521484336 ~ Teaching Philosophy "Kleinig's new survey of the ethics of policing is an excellent introduction to the subject. it provides a very useful survey of a variety of topics--presenting careful analyses, considering (but not getting booged down in) recent contributions of other scholars, and offering sensible solutions. It does exactly what a book of this kind should do in a way that is neither .

    The Ethics of Policing by John Kleinig ~ The Ethics of Policing book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Offering an in-depth analysis of the ethical values that police sho.

    Big Deals Complicity: Ethics and Law for a Collective Age ~ Trial The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) Ebook. jessiecole. 0:25. Download The Ethics of Assistance Morality and the Distant Needy Cambridge Studies in Philosophy Ebook . Dickmadden. 0:29. Best Seller Ethics and Religion (Cambridge Studies in Religion, Philosophy, and Society) Free. Doyleregasa39. 0:31. Read The Ethics of Assistance: Morality and the .

    : Customer reviews: The Ethics of Policing ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Ethics of Policing (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

    John Kleinig (ed.), The Ethics of Policing - PhilPapers ~ This book is the most systematic, comprehensive and philosophically sophisticated discussion of police ethics yet published. It offers an in-depth analysis of the ethical values that police, as servants of the community, should uphold as they go about their task. The book considers the foundations and purpose of police authority in broad terms but also tackles specific problems such as .

    The Ethics of Policing and Imprisonment / SpringerLink ~ This volume considers the ethics of policing and imprisonment, focusing particularly on mass incarceration and police shootings in the United States. The contributors consider the ways in which non-ideal features of the criminal justice system—features such as the prevalence of guns in America, political pressures, considerations of race and gender, and the lived experiences of people in .

    Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy Ser ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy Ser.: The Ethics of Policing by John Kleinig (1996, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

    The Ethics of Policing / Edition 1 by John Kleinig ~ Editorial Reviews "The book is very tightly argued and rich in provocative and imaginative arguments." Teaching Philosophy "Kleinig's new survey of the ethics of policing is an excellent introduction to the subject. it provides a very useful survey of a variety of topics—presenting careful analyses, considering (but not getting booged down in) recent contributions of other scholars, and .

    Two Approaches to Police Ethics - William C. Heffernan, 1982 ~ For that reason, the approach police officers need is not ethical analysis (in most cases, that would be superfluous) but instead one thatfocuses on creating in officers the disposition to do what is right. By contrast, the second set involves hard choices in law enforcement, with ethical analysis thus needed to supplement our uncertain judgments of right and wrong. Furthermore, analysis can .

    Ethics and Criminal Justice - Cambridge University Press ~ Ethics and Criminal Justice This book examines the main ethical questions that confront the criminal justice system -- legislature, law enforcement, courts, and corrections -- and those who work within that system, especially police ofïŹcers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, judges, juries, and prison ofïŹcers. John Kleinig sets the issues in the context of a liberal democratic society and its .