Beschreibung Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945–1955: The Germans and French from Ruhr Conflict to Economic Community. This is the first large-scale historical investigation of the critical first stage of European integration, the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). John Gillingham discusses the thirty year Franco-German struggle for heavy industry mastery in Western Europe, describes the dreams and schemes of Jean Monnet, who designed the heavy industry pool, reveals the American vision that inspired his work, and discloses how his transatlantic partners used their great authority to assure its completion. Gillingham also lays bare the operating mechanisms of the coal-steel pool, showing that contrary to the hopes of Monnet and his supporters, the ECSC restored rather than reformed the European economy, leaving as a legacy not a detrustified industry, but one still dominated by the giant producers of the Ruhr.
Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans ~ Title: Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans And French From Ruhr Conflict To Economic Community Author: learncabg.ctsnet-Marie Schmidt-2020-10-13-10-47-35
Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945–1955: The ~ Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945–1955: The Germans and French from Ruhr Conflict to Economic Community. By John Gillingham · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. vii + 397 pp .
Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945 1955: The ~ Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945 1955: The Germans and French from Ruhr Conflict to Economic Community von John Gillingham - Englische Bücher zum Genre Allgemeines & Lexika günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.
Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans ~ Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans And French From Ruhr Conflict To Economic Community Author: gallery.ctsnet-Wolfgang Ziegler-2020-09-27-21-22-09 Subject: Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans And French From Ruhr Conflict To Economic Community Keywords: Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans And French From Ruhr Conflict To .
Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans ~ Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans And French From Ruhr Conflict To Economic Community Author: wiki.ctsnet-Jana Fuhrmann-2020-09-11-09-00-41 Subject: Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans And French From Ruhr Conflict To Economic Community Keywords: Coal Steel And The Rebirth Of Europe 1945 1955 The Germans And French From Ruhr Conflict To .
Monnet Plan - Wikipedia ~ The Monnet plan was proposed by French civil servant Jean Monnet after the end of World War II.It was a reconstruction plan for France that proposed giving France control over the German coal and steel areas of the Ruhr area and Saar and using these resources to bring France to 150% of pre-war industrial production. The plan was adopted by Charles de Gaulle in early 1946.
The European Coal and Steel Community - EU Learning ~ In the Ruhr Valley, the Allies placed restrictions on the production, ownership and sale of coal and steel in an attempt to restrict German economic growth. The Ruhr Valley coal and steel production was also restricted as a guarantee to Germany’s neighbours, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands, that these crucial resources would not be used to re-create a Germany army.
Universität Hildesheim / Fachbereich 1: Erziehungs ~ Gillingham, John, Coal, Steel and the Rebirth of Europe 1945-1955. The Germans and French from Ruhr Conflict to Economic Community, Cambridge 1991. Haas, Ernst B., The uniting of Europe: political, social, and economic forces 1950-1957, Stanford 1958. Hoffmann, Reiner/Emilio Gabaglio, Ein offener Prozeß. Elf Versuche über den europäischen .
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Occupation of the Ruhr - Wikipedia ~ The Ruhr region had been occupied by Allied troops in the aftermath of the First World War. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles (1919), which formally ended the war with the Allies as the victors, Germany was forced to accept responsibility for the damages caused in the war and was obliged to pay war reparations to the various Allies. . Since the war was fought predominately on French .
The Origins of European Competition Policy: Redistributive ~ The author attempts to demonstrate that the coal-steel pool was created in response to the historical problem of the economic supremacy of the Ruhr, which as an industrial heartland was the source .
Initial rise of Hitler and the Nazis (video) / Khan Academy ~ The Ruhr region was another significant region of coal and steel production. And now the French are fully occupying this. They're forcing a lot of the civilians out of the region. They're forcing a lot of the workers to work in the mines and the factories. And then they're shipping all of that supply out to France. So this further debilitates the economy, but it's a huge humiliation. The .
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10 Reasons The German People Elected Adolf Hitler - Listverse ~ But the French were sure that this was a deliberate offense meant to test how far the Germans could provoke them. They struck back. French and Belgian troops marched on Germany and took a part of the country called the Ruhr. This was Germany’s main center of coal, iron, and steel production. Without it, the German economy was completely crippled.
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