Beschreibung Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms. This engaging ethnography examines the gendered nature of today's large corporate law firms. Although increasing numbers of women have become lawyers in the past decade, Jennifer Pierce discovers that the double standards and sexist attitudes of legal bureaucracies are a continuing problem for women lawyers and paralegals.Working as a paralegal, Pierce did ethnographic research in two law offices, and her depiction of the legal world is quite unlike the glamorized version seen on television. Pierce tellingly portrays the dilemma that female attorneys face: a woman using tough, aggressive tactics—the ideal combative litigator—is often regarded as brash or even obnoxious by her male colleagues. Yet any lack of toughness would mark her as ineffective.Women paralegals also face a double bind in corporate law firms. While lawyers depend on paralegals for important work, they also expect these women—for most paralegals are women—to nurture them and affirm their superior status in the office hierarchy. Paralegals who mother their bosses experience increasing personal exploitation, while those who do not face criticism and professional sanction. Male paralegals, Pierce finds, do not encounter the same difficulties that female paralegals do.Pierce argues that this gendered division of labor benefits men politically, economically, and personally. However, she finds that women lawyers and paralegals develop creative strategies for resisting and disrupting the male-dominated status quo. Her lively narrative and well-argued analysis will be welcomed by anyone interested in today's gender politics and business culture.
Gender Trials Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms ~ Download cover image > Create a flier for this title > Gender Trials Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms. by Jennifer L. Pierce (Author) February 1996; First Edition; Paperback $31.95, £27.00; Courses Women & Work Sociology of Gender Sociology of Work / Labor; Title Details. Rights: Available worldwide Pages: 276 ISBN: 9780520201088 Trim Size: 6 x 9. Share. Request an Exam or Desk Copy .
Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms ~ Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms. Jennifer L. Pierce. University of California Press, Feb 15, 1996 - Social Science - 276 pages. 0 Reviews. This engaging ethnography examines the gendered nature of today's large corporate law firms. Although increasing numbers of women have become lawyers in the past decade, Jennifer Pierce discovers that the double standards and sexist .
Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms ~ T1 - Gender Trials. T2 - Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms. AU - Pierce, Jennifer L. PY - 1995. Y1 - 1995. M3 - Book. BT - Gender Trials. PB - University of California Press. CY - Berkeley and Los Angeles. ER -
Gender trials : emotional lives in contemporary law firms ~ Get this from a library! Gender trials : emotional lives in contemporary law firms. [Jennifer L Pierce] -- This ethnography examines the gendered nature of today's large corporate law firms. Although increasing numbers of women have become lawyers in the past decade, Jennifer Pierce discovers that the .
Book Reviews : JENNIFER L. PIERCE, Gender Trials ~ Book Reviews : JENNIFER L. PIERCE, Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995, 256 + xi pp., $48 clothbound/$17.95 paperback . Pat Volk. Social & Legal Studies 2016 6: 3, 459-461 Download Citation. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. Simply .
Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms ~ "Gender Trials is an important addition to the literature on gender and work. In studying each gender within different jobs (litigator, paralegal) and different jobs within each gender, Pierce uncovers the complexities and contradictions of 'doing gender' in contemporary law firms. The phrases 'Rambo litigator' and 'mothering paralegal' capture the normative and behavioral convergences of job .
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Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms ~ Gender Trials (Paperback) Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms. By Jennifer L. Pierce. University of California Press, 9780520201088, 276pp. Publication Date: February 15, 1996. List Price: 31.95* * Individual store prices may vary. Description. This engaging ethnography examines the gendered nature of today's large corporate law firms. Although increasing numbers of women have become .
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