Beschreibung Ziliak, S: The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard Error Costs Us Jobs, Justice, and Lives (Economics, Cognition, and Society). ÂMcCloskey and Ziliak have been pushing this very elementary, very correct, very important argument through several articles over several years and for reasons I cannot fathom it is still resisted. If it takes a book to get it across, I hope this book will do it. It ought to.ÂÂThomas Schelling, Distinguished University Professor, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, and 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate in EconomicsÂWith humor, insight, piercing logic and a nod to history, Ziliak and McCloskey show how economistsÂand other scientistsÂsuffer from a mass delusion about statistical analysis. The quest for statistical significance that pervades science today is a deeply flawed substitute for thoughtful analysis. . . . Yet few participants in the scientific bureaucracy have been willing to admit what Ziliak and McCloskey make clear: the emperor has no clothes.ÂÂKenneth Rothman, Professor of Epidemiology, Boston University School of HealthThe Cult of Statistical Significance shows, field by field, how Âstatistical significance, a technique that dominates many sciences, has been a huge mistake. The authors find that researchers in a broad spectrum of fields, from agronomy to zoology, employ Âtesting that doesnÂt test and Âestimating that doesnÂt estimate. The facts will startle the outside reader: how could a group of brilliant scientists wander so far from scientific magnitudes? This study will encourage scientists who want to know how to get the statistical sciences back on track and fulfill their quantitative promise. The book shows for the first time how wide the disaster is, and how bad for science, and it traces the problem to its historical, sociological, and philosophical roots.Stephen T. Ziliak is the author or editor of many articles and two books. He currently lives in Chicago, where he is Professor of Economics at Roosevelt University. Deirdre N. McCloskey, Distinguished Professor of Economics, History, English, and Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is the author of twenty books and three hundred scholarly articles. She has held Guggenheim and National Humanities Fellowships. She is best known for How to Be Human* Though an Economist (University of Michigan Press, 2000) and her most recent book, The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce (2006).
Ziliak, S: The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the ~ Synopsis "Statistical significance," a technique that dominates medicine, economics, psychology, and many other scientific fields, has been a huge mistake. The outcome is a case study in bad science - how it originates and how it grows. These sciences, from agronomy to zoology, the authors .
The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard ~ Ziliak and his co-author Deirdre McCloskey argue in The Cult of Statistical Significance that most academic disciplines have forgotten this trade-off . . . A sharp line for statistical significance makes no sense, and it has a cost." --Tim Harford, The Financial Times-- (02/07/2009)
The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard ~ The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard Error Costs Us Jobs, Justice, and Lives (Economics, Cognition & Society) by Ziliak, Stephen Thomas, McCloskey .
The Cult of Statistical Significance von Stephen Thomas ~ The Cult of Statistical Significance von Stephen Thomas Ziliak, Deirdre N. McCloskey (ISBN 978-0-472-05007-9) vorbestellen. Lieferung direkt nach Erscheinen - lehmanns
The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard ~ Synopsis "Statistical significance," a technique that dominates medicine, economics, psychology, and many other scientific fields, has been a huge mistake. The outcome is a case study in bad science - how it originates and how it grows. These sciences, from agronomy to zoology, the authors .
The Cult of Statistical Significance ~ The Cult of Statistical Significance shows, field by field, how "statistical significance," a technique that dominates many sciences, has been a huge mistake. The authors find that researchers in a broad spectrum of fields, from agronomy to zoology, employ "testing" that doesn't test and "estimating" that doesn't estimate.
The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard ~ The Cult of Statistical Significance book. Read 19 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. âMcCloskey and Ziliak have been pushing this v.
Project MUSE - The Cult of Statistical Significance ~ The quest for statistical significance that pervades science today is a deeply flawed substitute for thoughtful analysis. . . . Yet few participants in the scientific bureaucracy have been willing to admit what Ziliak and McCloskey make clear: the emperor has no clothes.â âKenneth Rothman, Professor of Epidemiology, Boston University School of Health The Cult of Statistical Significance .
The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard ~ The Cult of Statistical Significance shows, field by field, how âstatistical significance,â a technique that dominates many sciences, has been a huge mistake. The authors find that researchers in a broad spectrum of fields, from agronomy to zoology, employ âtestingâ that doesnât test and âestimatingâ that doesnât estimate. The facts will startle the outside reader: how could a .
The Cult Of Statistical Significance How The Standard ~ Title: The Cult Of Statistical Significance How The Standard Error Costs Us Jobs Justice And Lives Economics Cognition And Society Author: gallery.ctsnet-Marina .
Review of Stephen T. Ziliak and Deirdre N. McCloskeyâs The ~ THE CULT OF STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE / BOOK REVIEW ERASMUS JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY AND ECONOMICS 156 procedure to ascertain the substantive significance warranted by the data in question. B. The literature on the problem of statistical vs. substantive significance is almost as old as modern statistics itself, and the authors
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