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    The Complete Q&A Job Interview Book

    Beschreibung The Complete Q&A Job Interview Book. Over 125.000 Copies Sold! "The ultimate job interview book! A systematic, foolproof way to generate job offers. No job seeker should be without it." - National Job Market "The programmed system works because it is a simple, practical, proven way to interview properly. Use it to win the interview and win the job!" - Mary Lyon, Associated Press "Allen's Q&A' interview approach eliminates the fear of the unknown, replaces it with the confidence of knowing what to expect, and trains the applicant to get job offers." - Kimberly A. Hellyar, Director, Training Consultants International What is a job interview? The culmination of a rigorous, objective assessment of your years of study and hard work? Wrong. It is, simply, a screen test. And you're the aspiring actor. As America's premier placement expert Jeffrey Allen shows you in this bestselling guide, getting hired depends almost completely on the "actor factor." If you know your lines, sharpen your delivery, and dress for the part, you'll get hired. If you don't, you won't. In The Complete Q&A Job Interview Book, Allen gives you your own personalized interview script to prepare you in advance for anything that might be asked. Covering everything from questions about your personal background to management ability and technology know-how, he gives you a fail-safe delivery format for responding. This new edition has been updated to guide you through today's job market, including changing dress codes and workplace behavior, as well as questions you should ask of your interviewer. Follow the advice in this book and you'll perform like a superstar and get the job you want!

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