Beschreibung Enron: The Rise and Fall. "I'd say you were a carnival barker, except that wouldn't be fair tocarnival barkers. A carnie will at least tell you up front that he's running a shell game. You, Mr. Lay, were running what purported to be the seventh largest corporation in America."-Senator Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL) to Enron CEO Kenneth Lay, Senate Commerce Science & Transportation's Subcommittee, Hearing on Enron, 2/12/02The speed of Enron's rise and fall is truly astonishing and perhaps the single most important story of corporate failure in the twenty-first century. In Enron investigative journalist Loren Fox promises readers nothing short of the most compelling and insightful investigation into Enron's meteoric ascent-regarded by Wall Street and the media as the epitome of innovation-and its spectacular fall from grace. In a lively and authoritative manner, Fox discusses how the biggest corporate bankruptcy in American business history happened, why for so long no one (except for an enlightened few) saw it coming, and what its impact will be on financial markets, the U.S. economy, U.S. energy policy, and the public for years to come. With access to many company insiders, Fox's intriguing account of this corporate debacle also provides an overview of the corporate culture and business model that led to Enron's high-flying success and disastrous failure. The story of Enron is one that will reverberate in global financial and energy markets as well as in criminal and civil courts for years to come. Rife with all the elements of a classic thriller-scandal, dishonest accounting, personal greed, questionable campaign contributions, suicide-Enron captures the essence of a company that went too far too fast.
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Enron (eBook, PDF) von Lucy Prebble - Portofrei bei bücher ~ One of the most infamous scandals in financial history becomes a theatrical epic. At once a case study and an allegory, the play charts the notorious rise and fall of Enron and its founding partners Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, who became 'the most vilified figure from the financial scandal of the century.'
The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and ~ The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron / McLean, Bethany, Elkind, Peter, Nocera, Joe / ISBN: 8601200647976 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Enron - The Rise and Fall by Loren Fox - 9780471478881 ~ The Enron story is one that will reverberate in global financial and energy markets and in criminal and civil courts for years to come. This is the 21st century version of the Keating scandal; this decade's LTCM. Investigative journalist Loren Fox provides the most compelling and insightful read into Enron's fall from grace.
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room – Wikipedia ~ Enron – The Smartest Guys in the Room ist eine Dokumentation über eine der größten Firmenpleiten der US-amerikanischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte und deren Ursachen. Der 2005 veröffentlichte Dokumentarfilm beruht auf einer Buchvorlage von Bethany McLean und Peter Elkind. Beide werden im Abspann des Films als Autoren genannt zusammen mit dem Regisseur Alex Gibney. 2008 erschien die Original .
Aufstieg und Fall der großen Mächte – Wikipedia ~ Aufstieg und Fall der großen Mächte ist ein Sachbuch, das der britische Historiker Paul Kennedy im Jahr 1987 unter dem englischen Originaltitel „The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers“ veröffentlichte.. Wirkung. Aufstieg und Fall der großen Mächte“ ist das erfolgreichste von Kennedys 14 Büchern, das monatelang an der Spitze der Bestsellerlisten in den USA, Großbritannien und Japan .