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    Financial Accounting FD. (For Dummies)

    Beschreibung Financial Accounting FD. (For Dummies). Your plain-English guide to navigating a financial accounting courseDespite the economic landscape and job market, demand for accountants remains strong, and accountants will continue to see high demand for their services as the economy rebounds and businesses grow. Additionally, one of the effects of the economic downturn is a greater emphasis on accountability, transparency, and controls in financial reporting.With easy-to-understand explanations and real-life examples, Financial Accounting For Dummies provides students who are studying business, finance, and accounting with the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to interpret, analyze, and evaluate actual corporate financial statements.Covers traditional introductory financial accounting course materialExplores concepts accountants and other business professionals use to prepare reports Details mergers and acquisitions purchase and pooling, free cash flow, and financial statement analysisWhether you're a student on your way to earning a bachelor's degree, MBA, or MAcc, Financial Accounting For Dummies gives you a wealth of information to grasp the subject and ace the course.

    Buch Financial Accounting FD. (For Dummies) PDF ePub

    Financial Accounting FD. (For Dummies) - Loughran, Maire ~ Financial Accounting FD. (For Dummies) / Loughran, Maire / ISBN: 9780470930656 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Financial Accounting For Dummies (English Edition) eBook ~ Your plain-English guide to navigating a financial accounting course. With easy-to-understand explanations and real-life examples, Financial Accounting For Dummies provides you with the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to interpret, analyze, and evaluate business financial statements. Whether you're a student taking an introductory course or a business owner who needs a financial .

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